Website Traffic Statistics | Harrogate Informer

Website Traffic Statistics

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Website Statistics for the Harrogate Informer news website, based on a 3-month period to 30 April 2020.

We have around 14,000 pages viewed per day, 70% from mobile devices/ tablets. The readership is fairly level for ages from mid-twenties into fifties.

The demographics show a split between the Harrogate District, Leeds and London. Further breakdown does show readers from Leeds being more during the working day.

Readership through the day is to a typical trend of breakfast and lunchtime peaks. Evening traffic can also be strong with news items being re-shared on Social media.


Social Media
Facebook 21,037
Twitter 18,300
Youtube 1,070


Daily Average Metrics
Sessions 11,009
Pages per session 1.29
Page Views 14,202


Mobile 60.02%
Tablet 8.12%
Desktop 31.86%


Age Demographics
18-24 8.65%
25-34 22.29%
35-44 19.47%
45-54 19.02%
55-64 15.85%
65+ 14.71%


New vs Returning Visitors
Returning 80.9%
New 19.1%




Location of readers
London 12.36%
Harrogate 27.55%
Leeds 18.32%
Ripon 9.31%
Not set 14.9%
Other 17.56%



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