The Yorkshire Causeway Schools Trust and the Red Kite Learning Trust have launched a consultation on changes to the admission criteria of Oatlands Infant School and Oatlands Junior School.
The changes designate Oatlands Infant School as a feeder school meaning its pupils are given priority on applying to Oatlands Junior School.
The proposals will also extend the sibling rule across both schools, meaning families with a sibling in either school will benefit when a new sibling applies to either one of the Oatlands Schools.
The proposed changes are designed to reflect the close relationship between the two schools and the way in which they co-operate to provide 4 to 11 primary education to children in the Oatlands area.
In line with the Schools Admission Code, the trusts are consulting parents, carers and key stakeholders on the changes, and would welcome any comments or queries to and
Full details of the consultation, which runs until the 19 November, can be found on the schools’ websites: