Last week was Occupational Therapy week (6 to 12 November 2017) – a week all about promoting occupational therapy to the public.
Harrogate Hospital supported the event with a display in the hospital foyer, being manned by some of the OT staff.
Michelle Davey is an Occupational Therapist at Harrogate Hospital specialising in orthopaedics and trauma.
Michelle said:
The week is an opportunity for us to explain more about what occupational therapy is. It spans health and social issues and from birth to death.
The service is also delivered within the hospital and in a range of other settings such as care homes, prisons and peoples homes.
Occupational Therapy stems back to the First World War and it was all about getting people back into society.
Michelle continued:
For many OT provides that light at the end of the tunnel when things are really difficult.
We use all the skills that we have to get people back on their feet and back home.
OT is also used prior to some surgery and it can help reduce the length of stay needed in hospital.
In the preparation for elective surgery such as knee or hip operations, people will be prepared for what they need to do following the surgery.
OT is about understanding what a person wants to achieve and helping them achieve that.