The Oatlands Community Group recently welcomed the Harrogate Mayor, Councillor Nick Brown as he launched Random Acts of Kindness for the month of October.
The Oatlands Community Group recently welcomed the Harrogate Mayor, Councillor Nick Brown as he launched Random Acts of Kindness for the month of October.

Oatlands Community Group launch random acts of kindness month

7 October 2016

The Oatlands Community Group recently welcomed the  Harrogate Mayor, Councillor Nick Brown as he launched Random Acts of Kindness for the month of October.


Victoria Smith-Dunn said:

The idea behind Random Acts of Kindness is to encourage people to do something a little extra to make someone’s day and build on the community spirit within the local area. The acts can be as small as sharing a smile, saying thank you, or giving a compliment. But the act is entirely up to you – you may decide to offer your seat on the train, walk a neighbour’s dog, help someone you see struggling with a heavy shopping bag, pick up litter that has been left in your street, or add an extra item to your shopping that can be donated to Harrogate Homeless project.


Whatever the act of kindness, Oatlands Community Group would like you to share your giving or receiving of any act of kindness. There are a number of decorated boxes in various locations where you can share your comments about your experience of Random Act of Kindness. Oatlands Infants School, Oatlands Junior School, Oatlands Pre-School, St Aidan’s School are all encouraging their pupils to be part of this event. If you are in the local area and would like to post your comments, Julie’s Hairdressers and St Mark’s Church are also supporting the initiative.


Victoria Smith-Dunn:

A simple act of kindness can have a lasting impact. We hope this initiative will inspire our community to do something to help or brighten someone’s day.




The comments you share can be anonymous and the feedback is all about creating an incentive for others to join in and celebrating that moment that you showed kindness or how you felt when someone helped or thought of you.

Your comments can also be shared on the groups Facebook page or website. If you are in need of any inspiration, please take a look at the short video produced by local resident, sixteen year old Beth Whitehouse, starring ten year old Scarlett Smith-Dunn. Beth and Scarlett are hoping the short video will raise awareness of the Random Act of Kindness campaign, inspire people and bring a smile, so please take a look and share it where you can.

You can find out more at and Facebook

Oatlands Community was originally set up by a group of local residents and they have been busy this year connecting with local people and trying to build on the community spirit within the Oatlands area. So far they have organised Window Wanderland, a Really Royal Picnic, Communitea and Tuki, a fundraising café held each month at St Mark’s Church.

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