The Chairman of the North Yorkshire Area committee has cancelled the upcoming meeting as there is insufficient to talk about.
The forum meets every three months and sees the Harrogate Districts County Councillors and number of co-opted members come together to discuss matters pertinent to the district. In the past this has seen issues like car parking charges being debated.
The forum also hears important reports from the District Police Commander and Fire Service.
The meeting is chaired by Cllr Michael Harrison.
Councillor Michael Harrison said:
The 1 September meeting of North Yorkshire County Council’s Harrogate Area Committee has been cancelled, because there was insufficient business. The committee reviews its work programme each time it meets. The agenda is naturally fluid as topics of interest or importance fluctuate, as does the availability of relevant reports and speakers.
Only one item of business had been notified for inclusion on the agenda for the September meeting. This was to approve an appointment to a local charity. This decision is not time-sensitive, so will be included instead on the agenda for Harrogate Area Committee’s meeting on 17 November.
There is a cost to the taxpayer in holding meetings, and in this case the chairman felt that it was appropriate to revisit the work programme and avoid an unnecessary meeting and the associated costs.