Harrogate Borough Council have published the Harrogate District Sites and Policies DPD (or local plan).This document is their strategy document for the development of land within the district.
The Inspector Mr Phillip Ware, BSc.(Hons) DipTP MRTPI has been appointed by the Secretary of State to conduct the Examination to determine whether the document is sound.
A series of review hearings were scheduled, running for 4-weeks from 23 April 2014.
Following concerns expressed by the Inspector at the end of the hearing session on 24 April the Council requested that following hearing sessions were postponed in order that the Inspector can provide the Council with a written expression of his concerns.
The review has faltered at the very early stages of reviewing the overview of land allocations of land development.
The local plan provides a level of protection for the district and a provides control for land development. Without the plan in place, Harrogate Council finds it insignificantly more difficult to refuse planning permission with with many developers likely to win permission upon appeal.