Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust is giving the public the chance to see behind the scenes at Harrogate District hospital next week when it hosts an Open Day between 3.30 and 7pm on Thursday 19 September.
The event, entitled “Delivering Quality Healthcare to People in Yorkshire” will show how the Trust’s teams based in both the Hospital and the community across North Yorkshire work together to meet the needs of the local population. It will include over 40 interactive stands from teams as diverse as the North Yorkshire Stop Smoking Service, Human Resources and Infection Control.
People will also be able to tour various Hospital Departments such as Cardiology, the laboratories and the kitchens, guided by the Trust’s expert staff.
The events is free and no booking is required.
Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust Chairman, Sandra Dodson, said:
“This major event give local people the chance to see behind the scenes, find out more about how we deliver their healthcare and ask us any questions they may have.
We believe that it is important for us to be open and accountable to the community we serve.
We are very proud of our expert and dedicated staff and also want to take the opportunity of our Open Event for them to show off their good work and thank them for all they do.
I hope that lots of people will accept our invitation to come along and find out how we are delivering quality healthcare to people in Yorkshire.