UKIP leader Nigel Farage is heading to Harrogate next week (Monday, 8 April 2013) where he will meet candidates and party supporters prior to taking centre stage at a public meeting in the town’s Old Swan Hotel.
Mr Farage is currently touring the country ahead of next month’s local elections in which the Party is fielding a record number of candidates.
The UKIP leader will arrive in Harrogate late afternoon on Monday, April 8, where he will spend an hour talking with candidates standing in Harrogate, Knaresborough, Ripon, Boroughbridge, Pateley Bridge and surrounding areas.
This will precede a public meeting where Mr Farage will outline party policy and take part in a question and answer session.
Harrogate & Knaresborough UKIP chairman John Upex, who is also the Prospective Parliamentary candidate at the next General Election said:
One of the reasons Nigel has chosen to stop in Harrogate is because we are fielding a full complement of candidates in the county council elections.
Four years ago we fielded just two candidates, now we have 18. In the last 12 months alone UKIP’s popularity has taken the three main political parties by surprise. Our membership locally has almost doubled and up and down the country people are turning away in their droves from Labour, the LibDems and Conservatives.
For too long politicians have been guilty of ignoring the wishes of the electorate. There isn’t any difference between them. Now, with UKIP, there is. It is a Party that genuinely has different – and common sense – policies on major matters of general public concern.
It is no longer a one issue Party and its policies are resonating with disaffected Tories, Labour and LibDem voters. These elections are a warm-up for next year’s European elections and the General Election in 2015.
UKIP and Nigel Farage will certainly be making a statement on 8th of April. I will be voting UKIP in Harrogate on the 2nd of May.
As an ordinary person, I’ll be voting for UKIP because they’re the only party with common-sense policies. Having had no real choice of political party to vote for in recent years, given that the other three parties are essentially the same in supporting mass immigration and in borrowing a staggering £10bn per annum to give away as foreign aid, I can now give my vote to a party that will ‘say it as it is’. Furthermore, having googled council by-election results, I note that over the past few weeks UKIP have won by-elections in different parts of the country, and that over two dozen councillors from other parties have defected to them since the start of the year. No wonder the Conservative, Labour and Liberal Democrat parties are trying to play down UKIP’s influence!
As an ordinary person, I’ll be voting for UKIP because they’re the only party who have policies that haven’t been banned for inciting racial hatred. Having had no real choice of political party to vote for in recent years, given that most sane people accept that immigration is not the massive burden on our society that some rabid biggots might claim, I can now give my vote to a party that will say no to providing funds for those in genuine and dire need in this world. Furthermore, I note that some people have even begun to overcome the social stigma and actually vote for UKIP despite their xenophobic and nauseating campaign messages. As someone with very little backbone and an inability to actually vote National Front, I now feel that I can vote for a party that represents my interests.
Bea, your over-the-top response is really welcome because it alienates ordinary people who will regard your out-of-touch views as further reason to support UKIP. I’m a teacher who works with youngsters from a large variety of ethnic backgrounds, and if I thought UKIP incites racial hatred or is xenophobic, I certainly wouldn’t vote for them.
The simple fact is that, so far this year, UKIP has already gained about 30 council seats through defections or by winning by-elections. People see us for what we are, a party that ‘says it as it is’, and that’s why more and more of the electorate realise that it’s not a wasted vote if they vote UKIP.
Well said Paul! What Bea says is just beyond ridiculous, & sounds like yet another in the merry band of do-gooders, who ultimately don’t care if the UK decends further into an unrecognisable mess. I too will be voting UKIP in Harrogate. Nigel Farage is an intelligent man, talking total sense, I certainly wouldn’t vote for any other party who constantly spout their false promises & continue to ruin this country!Onwards & upwards UKIP!!