Allerton Castle to receive Council grant


The Chapel at Allerton Castle, near Knaresborough, has been on the English Heritage Building at Risk register for many years but with the offer of financial support from Harrogate Borough Council there is a very good chance urgent works can be undertaken to remove it from the register.

The council has recently approved funding of £10,000 to help assist the Gerald Arthur Rolph Foundation to carry out much needed works on this important grade II* listed building. The Foundation has used any available funds for the repair of the principal house, a gothic mansion, which was severely damaged by fire in 2005.

English Heritage has indicated that it is prepared to offer grant assistance but cannot offer sufficient to allow the Foundation to fund the urgent works and see the building taken off the at risk register.

Councillor Alan Skidmore, Harrogate Borough Council’s Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Economic Development, says he hopes that this council grant will now mean the Foundation will also be able to accept financial support from English Heritage.

Councillor Alan Skidmore added:

This is an important building in terms of the district’s heritage and I am pleased that we have been able to offer this support to the Foundation Trust. English Heritage are committed to removing assets from the buildings at risk register but also have limited funding available.

Allerton Castle is reputed to be England’s most elegant and important gothic revival stately home, built by The Lord Mowbray, Segrave and Stourton, the premier Baron of England as a monumental statement of his position within the English aristocracy. In the eighteenth century the property was owned by Prince Frederick (the Grand Old Duke of York), brother to King George IV.

Prince Frederick rebuilt the house to designs by Henry Holland, but sold the estate shortly afterwards in 1789. He also constructed the Temple of Victory which is today visible from the A1 on a 200-foot (61 m) high hill. According to local legend, the ant-like activity of workers constantly ascending and descending to build this gigantic mound, inspired the famous nursery rhyme concerning the Grand Old Duke of York and his 10,000 men.


Media contact: Lynne Mee, Communications and Media Manager, 01423 556022 email or mobile 07702 313776.


  1. But Allerton Castle is also a business, isn’t it? People can have weddings and corporate events there, according to their website. It also charges £9 per adult to look around.

    Why should Harrogate Council taxpayers fund anything to do with this? I’m very annoyed about it. We’re all having to tighten our belts and paying out for this is a luxury we can’t afford, in my opinion.

  2. The council have a legal duty with responsibilities under the Planning (Listed
    Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.

    From Harrogate Borough Council:

    “This Council is committed to the protection of the historic environment as evidenced
    in Core Strategy Policy EQ2, which states priority measures to protect and enhance
    the District’s natural and built environment include to reduce the number of
    ‘Buildings at Risk’.

    In the Harrogate District most listed buildings are kept in good order, however a
    significant number are in a state of neglect. Often owners will, or can only, repair
    buildings if grants are made available. For this reason, the Act allows Local
    Planning Authorities to grant repairs, and the Council over many years has
    established and operated a range of grant schemes, involving partnerships with
    other funding bodies where possible.”

  3. Hmm. I’m afraid I’m not convinced Tim. No doubt it’s a lovely place but at a time when charities are being urged to be self sufficient and less dependent on government / council handouts I’d say that stately homes need to get the same advice.

    Exactly what work needs to be carried out on the chapel? Can council taxpayers be told that?

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