Extinction Rebellion’s Red Rebels Parade through Harrogate to Raise Awareness of the Threat to Rotary Wood from Danone and Harrogate Spring Water Proposed development

Extinction Rebellion’s Red Rebels parade through Harrogate to raise awareness of the threat to Rotary Wood from Danone/ Harrogate Spring Water proposed development

7 October 2024

6 October 2024 – The Red Rebels will walk through Harrogate, then through the Valley Gardens, ending at Rotary Wood, and the entrance to Harrogate Spring Water (Danone).

Climate activists from Extinction Rebellion Harrogate and Ilkley, and Leeds were dressed as Red Rebels and walked through Harrogate town centre, then down past Betty’s and to the Valley Gardens where they will walk slowly through the gardens towards Rotary Wood, and Danone (Harrogate Spring Water).

They will carried a banner and handed out leaflets raising awareness of the planning application from Harrogate Spring Water to extend their water bottling factory into the community Rotary Wood.


Extinction Rebellion’s Red Rebels Parade through Harrogate to Raise Awareness of the Threat to Rotary Wood from Danone and Harrogate Spring Water Proposed development


The Red Rebels symbolises the common blood we share with all species, they say they are dedicated to illuminating the global environmental crisis and supporting groups and organisations fighting to save humanity and all species from mass extinction.



Catherine a SEND teacher from Leeds said:

Harrogate Spring Water (Danone) should be celebrating Harrogate not destroying a beautiful and historic area which means so much to so many people and families, who have been involved in these woodlands for generations, and who benefit from them on a daily basis.


Michele a Nursery Nurse in Harrogate said:

I am saddened by the little respect that Harrogate Spring Water (Danone) has for both the people of Harrogate and this valuable community asset, their lack of consideration for nature, wildlife and biodiversity. Where will the creatures that regard this woodland as their home be, when it is covered in concrete?



Robbie a Horticulturalist in Harrogate said:

Does this new plan leave an environment in a better state than it is prior to the bottling plant? North Yorkshire Council must consider the strong feelings expressed by the community as regards to this expansion. Many people have written heartfelt objections to this expansion.

In my opinion there is nothing to be gained by this expansion except for a few jobs. The negatives far outweigh the prospect of a few jobs.


Arnold Warneken, Councillor for Ouseburn Division North Yorkshire Council said:

There is absolutely no justification other than corporate greed for the expansion into the heart of a living community. We are seeing a huge change in the worlds approach to big polluters like Danone, a change that ultimately forces them to look at a better way of utilising their skills and resources, a way that makes them part of the solution not the problem.

We must never turn our backs on the people and the planet, our planners need to show courage and vision and the politicians need to represent the people and not the profit.

This photo depicts the Harrog

To see the planning application and make comment see https://uniformonline.harrogate.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do? activeTab=documents&keyVal=Q9WZW4HY0B000) 16/05254/OUTMAJ

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