Harrogate police

Theft of rubber mats, from hotel in Harrogate, valued at over £25,000

28 June 2024

Police are appealing for information about a theft of industrial rubber mats from the Hilton Hotel in Harrogate.

This took place at 10.18pm on Wednesday 26 June, when around 100 industrial rubber mats (valued at over £25,000) were taken from the hotel. A large vehicle will have been used, due to the large size of these mats.

They are  particularly appealing for information about a flatbed truck and three men who were seen at the location at the time.

Please email Nabiel.galab@northyorkshire.police.uk if you have any information that could help our investigation.

Alternatively, you can call North Yorkshire Police on 101, and ask for Nabiel Galab, or contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or via their website.

Please quote reference 12240113680 when passing on information.

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