Chancellor Rishi Sunak,Northallerton
Rishi Sunak,Northallerton

Andrew Jones MP says he is supporting Rishi Sunak for Prime Minister

21 October 2022

Harrogate and Knaresborough MP, Andrew Jones, is backing his North Yorkshire colleague, Rishi Sunak, to be the next leader of the Conservative Party.

Mr Jones said:

I’m backing Rishi because he has the experience, ability and energy to tackle the problems facing our country. He instinctively reaches for the right solutions and now, more than ever, we need someone who will bring those qualities to our national politics. He has demonstrated proven, economic judgement in unprecedented times.

I admired how he dealt with the Herculean challenges which faced the country when COVID hit. He worked at pace to save businesses and jobs and to provide the cash our NHS needed to get us through the pandemic.

This vote is about the future. That future needs energy and ability at the top of our politics. It needs someone who can assemble and lead a broad-based team. For me, that person is Rishi Sunak.

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