Expert advice on smoke alarms for deaf people

16 August 2011

People who are deaf or very hard of hearing are being offered expert advice on ways to make their homes safe from fire.

People who believe they would benefit from the installation of an alarm for people who cannot hear the audible warnings of the standard domestic alarms are urged to contact North Yorkshire County Council’s customer service centre, or City of York Council’s assessment and safeguarding team (contact details below). They will be offered an assessment for an appropriate smoke alarm that will then be installed by North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service.

Smoke alarms save hundreds of lives every year across the country

However, the standard domestic alarms are of limited, if any, use for people who are deaf or hard of hearing.

This process was highlighted by members of the Physical and Sensory Impairment Partnership Board and should now hopefully lead to the provision of this potentially life-saving equipment for many more people

said County Councillor Clare Wood, Executive Member for Adult Social Care.


The County Council’s customer service centre can be contacted by telephoning 0845 034 9410, or by emailing

The York Initial Assessment and Safeguarding Team can be contacted on 01904 555111, or by email at



Colin Hunter (North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue), Janet Seymour Kirk (PSI Board Chair), Nick Jewkes (Chair – Harrogate and Craven Deaf and Hard of Hearing Reference subgroup), Brenda Haw (Deputy Chair – Harrogate and Craven Deaf and Hard of Hearing Reference subgroup)

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