There is a proposed community buyout for 2o acres of land in Great Ouseburn for the purpose of education and nature.
6 lots of land are up for sale, with this field being one of those lots. However the site has appeared in North Yorkshire Councils “Call for sites” emerging County Plan so the pressures on to raise £240k.
This is a great opportunity for the community to take charge of a very special area in the Parish.
Councillor Arnold Warneken said:
The benefit of a community taking ownership of land within their Parish is huge; you as a community will determine how best this land can be utilised to the advantage of all and protect at least this parcel of land from inappropriate development.
As a community asset, you will be creating a legacy that will help protect all that is important to you; a space for Nature and the wellbeing that brings, a space for exercise and the health benefits that brings, a space where your children can (through the school) have even a better start in life.
It’s not often a chance like this is presented to a community and through forming UOCTCommunity Benefit Society, you have put good foundations in place. Please support this amazing project.
See The Upper Ouse Conservation Trust
- The benefit of a community taking ownership of land within their Parish is huge, you as a community will determine how best this land can be utilised to the the advantage of all and protect at least this parcel of land from inappropriate development.
- As a community asset you will be creating a legacy the will help protect all that is important to you, a space for Nature and the wellbeing that brings a space for exercise and the health benefits that brings, a space where your children can through the school have even a better start in life.
- Its not often a chance like this is presented to a community and through forming UOCT Community Benefit Society you have put good foundations in place, please support this amazing project.