Harrogate Bilton Sure Start
Harrogate Bilton Sure Start

Council look to close Children’s Centres in North Yorkshire

2 September 2024

North Yorkshire Council are looking to de-register the 18 Children’s Centres in North Yorkshire.

Children’s Centrs or Sure Start Children’s Centres, as also called, operate under statutory guidance, so that de-registering means they no longer need to operate the services laid down in legislation.


See Children’s Centre Statutory Guidance


The centres provide:

  • Child and family health services
  • Advice on parenting
  • Childcare options
  • Specialist services
  • Many also offer childcare and early learning service

The change would give freer-reign to change how services are delivered, and the council have said that they would use a mixture of online and home-visits.

A 28-day public consultation has been launched and includes a survey. However the consultation is confused as it is not clear if it is consulting on changing use of the buildings (or the de-regulation), or if it assuming the change of use will happen, and asking what you would like the buildings used for.

See the consultation at www.northyorks.gov.uk/your-council/consultations-and-engagement/current-consultations/de-registration-childrens-centres

Cllr Janet Sanderson says the de-registration (closure of the Children’s Centres)  will allow for greater flexibility in the future use of the buildings so that they can best meet the needs of the local community.

North Yorkshire Council’s Children and Families Service Early Help delivered sessions from a number of premises. They believe the need for face-to-face sessions has significantly reduced, justifying this change.

North Yorkshire Council also believe that this change bring them in line with what families and communities need in the future.


Cllr Janet Sanderson said:

The needs of our children and young people are changing and it is our responsibility to keep up. By being flexible with the purpose and use of our buildings, we can open up opportunities to work with key partners and organisations that can deliver a range of activities.


The findings of the consultation will go before the executive in October before a final decision is made.


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