Training at Work Group, a Wetherby-based training company have been supporting the Wetherby Food Bank.
Rob from the Training at Work Group said:
We saw the Wetherby Foodbank’s urgent appeal for groceries on social media, and started a food collection drive within our team.
After just 3 days, we had collected over 20-bags of shopping, equating to 163kg, which we gave to the foodbank on Friday 14 June.
The support for the foodbank is part of our community initiative, where we try to fundraise, support or donate to worthy causes within our community.

Jenny Firth, Foodbank Coordinator, said:
We have been at very low stock levels for several months and put out a request on social media for those things we desperately need. Training at Work as well as the community reacted and donations have indeed increased.
We are finding that we are getting many new clients using the foodbank. Often clients work but are unable to make ends meet with the Cost of Living. Universal Credit is very low and makes affording the essentials very hard indeed. We don’t just give out food parcels, we can signpost to other agencies and have our very own Moneybuddy who will confidentially advise on increasing income, looking at priority debt and budgeting so clients no longer need the foodbank.
We put our wishlists on Facebook and Instagram every month. Donations can be dropped off in Morrisons and Sainsbury’s in Wetherby or Sainsbury’s in Tadcaster as well as our warehouse at Thorp Arch.
On 4th, 5th and 6th of July we are holding a Fooddrive at Morrisons and hope customers are able to donate one or two things to the foodbank for us.
It was great to see a local company actively responding to a local need. At a time when low income households are struggling to afford the essentials this will have a massive impact on those in our community. We are lucky to live in a prosperous area but that doesn’t mean that everyone that lives here is prosperous.