Ben Pickles stands as the Labour PPC for Wetherby and Easingwold

31 May 2024

Ben Pickles is standing as the Labour Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Wetherby and Easingwold.


Ben Pickles said:

Wetherby holds a special place in my heart for familial reasons, within this brand new constituency with brand new boundaries.

I joined Labour when I first started studying politics, because their view of social justice matches mine: improving opportunities for those who perhaps don’t have as many, especially young people.


Ben says that we have great Yorkshire towns which are being neglected, and only Labour have shown they are focused on helping to regenerate our high streets.


Ben said:

The water companies are pumping sewage into our local rivers and seas, including the River Wharfe. I will fight for stronger regulation to decarbonise, make Britain a green energy superpower, and protect & restore nature & the environment in our communities;

As a Teacher I know the education sector is in a perilous position. We have some fantastic professionals within the schools in Tadcaster, Wetherby, Easingwold and beyond, but the buildings are crumbling after years of underinvestment.

I also back Labour’s plans for 6500 extra Teachers, ensuring that your children have specialists teaching them across the curriculum.


Ben Pickles, Labour


Ben met Georgina at the age of 19 and had their first child.

Ben said:

I was at Newcastle University at the time, so arranged a transfer to Leeds Beckett so I could complete my studies and live with my family in West Yorkshire.

I’m a proud council estate kid, grew up with a single mum, and was the first in my family to go to university.

I was a teenage parent myself, and know full well how difficult it is to simply pay the bills at times.

My two children shape my values and view of social justice – giving every child the opportunity to succeed is my primary goal.

After graduating in politics, I became a teacher, specialising in English, Citizenship and A-Level Law, and have been teaching ever since.

I have close familial ties to the constituency, and Wetherby especially is a special place for me and my family.

It’s a new constituency which needs new ideas – alongside a new Labour government.



  1. I like this emphasis on social justice and a pledge to support those in poverty. I would like to know Ben’s views on abortion and the possibility of lowering current time limits given that 60-70% of the population are in favour of this.

  2. Hell Ben I would like to know your position on the crisis with the junior doctOrs. There is no point in trying to recruit more doctors When we are unable to retain many. The labour party do not appear to have a position On this point. The same point applies to teachers, we need to retain all of these professionals not just recruit more.

  3. What will tour party do about the present two tier pension payment many older pensioners RECEIVE less pension dspite many working since 15 years old and contributing for in some cases over 40 years it is unfair and ageist

  4. How is it that I have only just RECEIVED a flier informing me that Ben Pickles is the Labour candidate? The CONSERVATIVES HAVE DELIVERED THREE FLIERS IN THE PAST FEW WEEKS. hAVE lABOUR FORGOTTEN ABOUT TADCASTER?

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