Andrew Jones MP
Andrew Jones MP

MP’s pop-up advice clinic at Knaresborough market next week

11 August 2023

Harrogate and Knaresborough MP, Andrew Jones, is holding a pop-up advice clinic at Knaresborough market this week (16 August) from 9am to 3pm. No appointment is needed; just turn up and speak to Andrew about whatever is concerning you. A member of his team will also be present to take notes.

Commenting Mr Jones said:

It is important that Members of Parliament are visible in the community which is why I hold advice clinics at community events. Just a couple of weeks ago I was at the Bilton & Woodfield Community Library open day and next Wednesday’s session follows on from my last busy pop-up clinic at Knaresborough market.

It is also important to be at these events because sometimes people can’t get to formal appointments at my office but can raise issues alongside doing their shopping or attending a community event.

Mr Jones runs more formal sessions several times a month and these can be booked by contacting his office on 01423 529614 or emailing him at with your contact details.

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