Harrogate guide dog owner Hayley has set herself a target of cycling at least 10 miles throughout May to raise life changing funds for Guide Dogs
Now on her fourth dog, Hayley was first matched with a guide dog in 2000. At that time she had some residual vision, but lost her sight completely in 2003 due to a rare form of glaucoma. Since then Hayley has married and had a daughter, obtained a degree in counselling, and gained employment as a school and occupational health counsellor.
Hayley explained:
I wanted to raise money for Guide Dogs because they mean so much to me and my family. I have been totally blind for 20 years now, but I do not let it stop me doing anything I want. Blindness is challenging but it doesn’t have to be. With the right positive mental attitude, the right public relations with the sighted world and the right guide dog I am able to live a very fulfilling and satisfying life. My guide dogs have allowed me to maintain my independence, and I wanted to pay something back.
Hayley’s current guide dog is Winter, a pure Labrador who will be 9 years old in September.
Hayley said:
Winter is a beautiful dog inside and out, but at 9 years old, retirement is approaching. Although I hope she will be able to keep on working for some time yet, you never know when the time will come for her harness to be hung up for the last time.
Hayley’s cycling challenge will be done on a static road bike in her garden. Her aim is to raise at least £500 by cycling an average of 10 miles per day, come rain or shine. Every penny raised will go towards the £35,000 needed to raise and train a single guide dog.

Hayley said:
My guide dogs have given me the confidence to get out and about safely and to live my life independently, but the charity relies on donations to deliver their life changing work. That’s why I have decided to raise money for them by doing a sponsored cycle ride.
If you would like to support Hayley please go to;- https://justgiving.com/page/hayleycycle4guidedogs