Cllr Gareth Dadd, Thirsk
Cllr Gareth Dadd, Thirsk

Don’t miss your chance for a say on council tax reduction

23 August 2022

Hundreds of North Yorkshire residents who have had their say on proposals for a new council tax reduction scheme for the county have been thanked – and people who have not yet taken part in the consultation urged to do so before it ends next month.

Council tax reduction is a discount that helps people on low incomes to pay their council tax bill.

From next April, there will be a new single council in North Yorkshire, replacing the seven district and borough councils and the county council. Currently, the borough and district councils each have slightly different council tax reduction schemes. By law, the new North Yorkshire Council must introduce a single scheme covering the whole of North Yorkshire.

The proposal is to introduce an income-banded scheme that is more supportive, with the maximum level of reduction for the people most in need. The proposed scheme is expected to increase the overall level of support for the lowest income households.

North Yorkshire County Council’s deputy leader and executive member for finance, Cllr Gareth Dadd, said:

We thank all those people who have so far given us their views in the consultation and encourage people who have not yet done so to take this opportunity. Council tax affects us all, so we’re keen to hear from as many people as possible.

The proposed new scheme is important in meeting our commitment to helping the most vulnerable in society. It will benefit thousands of people across North Yorkshire. It will not only make it easier for people to apply for support, but it will also help streamline its administration when the new council launches next year.

Changes to the council tax reduction scheme will affect working age households in North Yorkshire who will get council tax reduction from April 1, 2023.

The proposed changes will not affect other statutory discounts, such as the single person discount, which provides a 25 per cent discount on your council tax bill if you are the only adult in your home.

Under the proposals, most applicants would receive the same support as they do now and many would be better off. Although some households would have a little more to pay, the proposals set out plans for a hardship fund so that anyone affected who needs additional help will be supported.

Find more details and take part in the consultation at


The consultation will close at midnight on September 18, 2022. All comments and feedback will be considered in October, before a final decision is made in November


  1. I remember when i first moved to Harrogate you used to give a discount of 15% if you paid the council tax up front
    I think this would still be a good incentive ?

  2. Is the reduction based on income earned or savings I have seen a message that the discount will be levied on savings over £6000

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