Ukraine café in Harrogate | Harrogate Informer

Ukraine café in Harrogate

11 March 2022

On Saturday 5 March from 10 am to 3 pm Harrogate Brigantes Rotary ran a “café for Ukraine” in St Peter’s Church in the heart of Harrogate’s shopping district.

In those five short hours, thanks to the generosity of the people of Harrogate, nearly £1600 was raised for Rotary’s Ukraine Appeal, approximately £1000 from the sale of food and drink and £600 in donations. Brigantes is making this up to £2000 from members donations and Club funds and this amount will be sent this week to help the brave but sorely suffering people of Ukraine.

Organiser Moya Prichard was overwhelmed by the response:

It was both humbling and gratifying to witness the generosity of the public and feel their solidarity with the people of Ukraine. A very big thank you to all who attended.


Brigantes President Les Ellington commented:

This has been a wonderful start to what is likely to be a long haul. The people of Ukraine are going to need a lot of help over the months and years ahead. So this marks only the beginning of Brigantes’ efforts to bring

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