ONS data shows around 80% COVID-19 deaths have underlying cause – 17,371 deaths attributed solely due to the virus

23 January 2022

The main points:

  • There are 17,371 deaths attributed solely to COVID-19 up to September 2021.
  • There have been 152,872 deaths within 28-days of a positive test
  • The average age of death due to COVID-19 is higher than the overall average age of death.

From 13 March 2021 to 7 January 2022 there were 127,704 excess deaths recorded above 5-year average in England and Wales ONS data see Coronavirus (COVID-19) latest insights – Office for National Statistics (ons.gov.uk)

As of 19 January 2022, 152,872 have died within 28-days of a positive test – Government data see Deaths in the UK | Coronavirus in the UK (data.gov.uk)

As of 19 January 2022, 174,233 where death certificate mentions COVID-19 as a contributory factor – Government data see Deaths in the UK | Coronavirus in the UK (data.gov.uk)

Deaths from COVID-19 with no other underlying causes

A Freedom of Information Request (FOI) was responded to by the Office of National Statistics (ONS)

FOI Ref: FOI/2021/3240 – Deaths from COVID-19 with no other underlying causes – Office for National Statistics (ons.gov.uk)

For the period from 2020 up to, and including Quarter 3 (September) in 2021 there were 17,371 deaths attributed solely to COVID-19 with 13,597 of them being people 65 or older and 3,774 were under 65.

In 2021 the average age of death due to COVID-19 is 82.5

Life expectancy in the UK is 79.0 for males and  82.9 female from  National life tables – life expectancy in the UK – Office for National Statistics (ons.gov.uk)

Meaning the average age of death with COVID-19 is higher than the average age of death in the UK

Deaths broken down by year

Deaths in 2020 due to COVID-19 where there was no other underlying cause

  • Total – 9,400
  • 0 to 64 – 1,549
  • 65 and over – 7,851

With an average age of 81.5

Deaths in 2021 Quarter 1 due to COVID-19 where there was no other underlying cause

  • Total -6,483
  • 0 to 64 – 1,560
  • 65 and over – 4,923

With an average age of 81.5

Deaths in 2021 Quarter 2 due to COVID-19 where there was no other underlying cause

  • Total -346
  • 0 to 64 – 153
  • 65 and over – 193

Deaths in 2021 Quarter 3 due to COVID-19 where there was no other underlying cause

  • Total -1,142
  • 0 to 64 – 512
  • 65 and over – 630


  1. This is a complete misinterpretation of the data. 150k people have died because of Covcid. The fact that they may have had a heart issue or a mental health problem does not change the fact they died of covid. This simply provides fodder for the ant-vaxxers. If you cannot read data correctly do not print it.

    • The news item has statistics that show:

      Number that died within 28 of days of testing positive with covid, so they may have died for another reason, not related to covid.

      Number where covid was mentioned on a death certificate, so it was throught an individual had covid at the time of death. A clinician’s best evaluation at the time.

      And the number of deaths solely due to covid.

      You are incorrect to say that 150K people have died because of covid.

    • So the information is wrong because you can categorically say covid killed these people who have serious health issues and are nearly 5yrs beyond average age of life expectancy. By the way, when you use media terms such as antivaxers it shows how assimilated you are. Not surprised. There has been a lot of profiteering by media who were paid to say those things

    • 80,000 NHS staff refused the vaccination, considering its “killed” 150,000 plus would you care to explain in your infinite wisdom why so many have point blank refused the “life saving” vaccine? Oh and you might want to pay some attention to a pending court case in the states re a Phizer employee whistle-blower who has revealed shocking mistakes and blatant oversights during trials. You happy with your vaccine, bully for you, I’ve had covid twice, suffer from bronchial asthma and have built up my own antibodies, thanks but no thanks.

  2. The article states “For the period from 2021 up to, and including Quarter 3 (September) in 2021 there were 17,371 deaths attributed solely to COVID-19 with 13,597 of them being people 65 or older and 3,774 were under 65.”

    It should say “For the period from 2020…”

    • Check out GBNews. The way the figures are compiled if you have a positive test within 28 days (and that does not mean tou are ill with it just a positive test) Then say tou go to hospital with say kidney failure and die covid is added as the cause but dying with covid is different from dying of covid as far as I understand it.

      • As you understand it, is the point.

        Interestingly, around 17k or so have died from something other than covid, but tested positive with covid within 28d in the stats. Thats around 10% of the 175k, depending on which number you use. It’s all there to be seen. Just need to ask the right question.

        So he7 k in GB news is for people with no other conditions AT ALL. Completely healthy. Scary. If I have high blood pressure that is managed, and am otherwise fit and well. the I am outside of the GB news number. But I still died OF covid.

  3. Finally some accurate reporting of Covid but only because a ROI forced the ONS to break this down – but it still isn’t being reported by the MSM. Why would that be ?

    If someone has been in a car crash, then come into casualty, tested positive for Covid, and died 2 weeks later because of the car crash injuries – that is not dying “of” Covid, it’s dying “with” Covid – a big difference.

    17,000 people dying “of” Covid over 21 months in a UK population of 68 million (that’s an average of 27 deaths per day) is truly sad but is no worse than a bad flu season which equally impacts the old and frail the most. Sad, yes, very sad – but let’s just be honest about these figures because 17,000 died because of Covid, not the 150,000 that the MSM, Government and certain scientists would like continually reported.

  4. Agree with Patrick, this is a total misinterpretation of the data. By the age of 50 about half the population has at least one underlying condition. It seems extremely bizarre to claim that this means a person died from asthma and not from COVID. Perhaps they wouldn’t have died if they didn’t have asthma, but they definitely would not have died if they didn’t have COVID. Not counting deaths with pre-existing conditions is basically saying to people with these conditions that their lives don’t matter which is a morally indefensible position. Irresponsible journalism, if you can call it journalism at all … and not for the first time here on this topic.

    • I couldn’t disagree more.

      You’ve literally made up “by the age of 50” “about half the population has at least one underlying condition” – Yes, people might have a few aches and pains at 50 but that is not the same as 50% of the population having heart disease, cancer, dementia – genuine killers, and all ‘by the age of 50’. Simply not true.

      ONS data shows very clearly

      Dementia deaths down ..
      Stroke deaths down ..
      Cancer deaths down ..
      Flu deaths down ..
      Unexplained deaths down ..

      How is that possible ? Has there been a series of incredible scientific breakthroughs or could it be that many of those deaths, that sadly occur every single year, have simply been classified as Covid over the last 2 years ?

      There is a big difference between dying ‘of’ Covid – meaning as the “underlying cause” versus happening to ‘have’ Covid, when you were, say, in a car crash and then died.

      They are not the same, yet have been all grouped together to create the headline figures we’ve all seen for the last 2 years – which the ONS have been forced via the FOI request to reveal the breakdown.

      Irresponsible journalism would be a failure to provide this information!

    • But far more people actually die with influenza mentioned on their death cert but it doesnt count as a flu death unless its the underlying cause . Covid deaths on the other hand dont even need to be mentioned or tested for just a suspicion of covid . The way the deaths are recorded are open to sever criticism and manipulation

  5. To say that this article is misrepresenting data is absurd, do you understand what you are writing??
    This article is just “copying” the data, how could it be misrepresenting it?
    Whomever that agrees with a statement that “150k people have died BECAUSE of Covid” is just not able to think rationally because of mental conditioning.
    And to say that sick, old people would not have died if Covid was not here is as laughable, go and tell that to the family of the 616,014 people that died in the UK in 2018 (as from your ONS records).

    • “To say that this article is misrepresenting data is absurd, do you understand what you are writing?? This article is just “copying” the data, how could it be misrepresenting it?”

      Ok here is a fact for you:
      Everyone who drank water in the 1800’s died.

      Fact’s can’t be misleading can they?

      This article is pushing misleading facts, facts without context to provide the full picture.

  6. I’m making things up? I’m not the one giving the example of people happening to have covid in car crashes as an example to explain 130,000 covid deaths.

    UK Road deaths:
    Year Killed
    2017 1,793
    2018 1,782
    2019 1,752
    2020 1,460

    Something like a third of the population have high blood pressure (hypertension), ~5 million people in the UK have diabetes, just under a third are obese, ~8 million have asthma, about 7 million with heart or circulatory desease etc. A 55 year old is statistically more likely than not to have at least one underlying condition.


    People dying from covid are not at death’s door from underlying conditions, on average they are losing about 10 years of life:

      • Yes of course there is a difference. However these stats make it sound like about 90% of covid deaths are a contributory cause of death when actually its more like 10 to 20% that are a contributory cause. In the rest (the vast majority) covid is the main underlying cause of death and an underlying condition may have contributed hence that is also on the death certificate.

        Its like saying you are more likely to die in a car crash if you are wearing a seatbelt … of course you are because almost everyone is wearing a seatbelt. Most people who die of covid are older and therefore vastly more likely to have an underlying condition.

        Anyway I’m done … carry on digging into your rabbit holes. Maybe one day you’ll dig so deep you pop out the other side and stop seeing only what you want to see.

  7. […] “Data from the UK’s Office for National Statistics (ONS) show that the vast majority of people dying from COVID-19 in England and Wales have had underlying health problems. Of 152,872 deaths recorded within 28 days of a positive test since the start of the pandemic, only 17,371 were attributed solely to the coronavirus.” [Source: harrogate-news.co.uk] […]

  8. Over 700,000 people die every year in England and Wales. 17,371 from Covid so far. As Prof Matais Desmet Psychology Lecturer at Ghent Uni and Master of Statistics says we are suffering from the phenomenum of Mass Formation. It happenned in Germany and Stalanist Russia. The witch hunts are an example of it. Humans are susceptable to hypnosis which has occurred in thid case via the media using the human voice and repeat fear messaging. 30% are under its spell 40% are on the fence and 30% are aware of what is happening. Check the Prof out and Dr Robert Malone also a bioethicist who invented mRNA in the late 80s.

  9. Does anyone has a statistic on deaths caused by flu in the last years? To me seems since Covid came along, the flu has been wiped out or shifted on covid camp….

  10. Truth always comes out, Great Article, it provides context for the public NOT scaremongering media propaganda. Look at how low the deaths are for under 65 with no precasting conditions, a small percentage. This adds weight to the notion the vaccine is great news for the elderly and those with preexisting conditions. However, under 65 fit and healthy the death rate is staggeringly low. This is not my opinion but FACT, its what most people have stated all along. So the notion that we all must be vaccinated for our own safety loses tremendous weight in light of these figures. The vaccine should be essential for over 65 and those with preexisting conditions. However under 65 fit and healthy this virus has minimum risk. Why the narrative that we all should be vaxed ? Why demonise under 65 fit and healthy people if they choose not to get the vaccine ?. Omnicrom has shown double vaccinated people are still highly likely to get the virus and transmit it. We must lay this ghost to rest. Pro Vac for those that need it (over 65 and health conditions) and also anyone else who wants it. Pro Choice for this that do not.

  11. Here’s an example from New Zealand
    Police shot a man in the street. MSM REPORTED TGE DEATH AS SUCH.
    Was officially recorded as a COVID death
    Still people didn’t get it

  12. 80,000 NHS staff refused the vaccination, considering its “killed” 150,000 plus would you care to explain in your infinite wisdom why so many have point blank refused the “life saving” vaccine? Oh and you might want to pay some attention to a pending court case in the states re a Phizer employee whistle-blower who has revealed shocking mistakes and blatant oversights during trials. You happy with your vaccine, bully for you, I’ve had covid twice, suffer from bronchial asthma and have built up my own antibodies, thanks but no thanks.

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