The Harrogate Christmas Market will be back in 2022 say organisers.
Harrogate Borough Council are gunning for an alternate market supplier, but the location and plans are yet to submitted to Harrogate Borough Council.
Brian Dunsby, Harrogate Christmas Market, said:
After several months of consideration since we submitted our Event Plan on 5th May 2021, the Harrogate Borough Council Executive Officers have refused to issue a licence for Harrogate Christmas Market 2021.
We tried very hard to resolve their concerns over issues raised by the emergency services and parks department, without success.
The Council say that they want us off Montpellier Hill but they would not suggest any suitable alternative. So we have reviewed 12 other possible locations but none are suitable for expected 200 stalls, 150+ coaches and tens of thousands of visitors.
We now have no choice but to say with regret that the original Harrogate Christmas Market for 2021 is definitely cancelled for this year.
A meeting of the Harrogate Christmas Market Group on 13 September reviewed the situation and the options going forward. The meeting decided unanimously to plan ahead for a Harrogate Christmas Market 2022 at the traditional location on Montpellier Hill with hopefully more space for stalls and visitors.

Brian Dunsby said:
We intend to resolve all the remaining Council concerns before reapplying for a licence early in 2022.
The Harrogate Christmas Market is unique in the country. It is family oriented, with locally sourced products and traders. We are now appealing for more business supporters and volunteers to enlarge our working team.
John Fox, one of the original founders of the Harrogate Christmas Market, said:
It was an extremely positive meeting. We are planning to organise a Harrogate Christmas Market in 2022 because we strongly believe we should support local businesses in the town centre at a critical time of year for them.
It is estimated that the Market brings in £2.4m per year.
See web site is Email: or telephone 01423 879208
We have been attending this market since the second year that it began, it is a well organised event and Brian and beryl and their team do a great job. It’s as safe and well organised as any other Christmas Market that we have attended in the country.
The arrangements for Harrogate Xmas market put in place for 2021 were very good and I see no need to revert to the
inadequate and more disruptive arrangements that pertained prior to last year.
The site was not ideal as too small and not for use in Winter when heavy footfall churned it into a mud bath which took many months to recover. Niether of these drawbacks made for a pleasant experience for visitors.It was impossible to negotiate the crush near many stalls and for the unprepared shoes took a battering and chilblains abounded.