The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner was in Harrogate town centre today (1 September 2021), encouraging people to get involved with giving their views on policing and the fire service in North Yorkshire.
New Commissioners are required by law to set out their plans for the length of their term and the Commissioner wants to hear from as many people before Sunday 7 November as he develops his Police and Crime Plan, and Fire and Rescue Plan for 2021-2024.
Philip Allot said:
It is a major exercise, and we have already been last week on the streets in Selby. We are in Scarborough at the weekend, but it is all about consulting with the public over the new police and crime plan, along with a separate piece of work for the fire service.
It’s about people having their say, what matters to you, police on the streets, what you want to happen about drugs, how the police are responding, how they responded through the pandemic, and how you see policing going forward.
So have your say, you can do that online or if you turn up at one of the events you will be given a form to fill in.
The thing is, if you have your say, it will become part of the police and crime plan, and if you don’t have your say you are missing a great opportunity.
Philip Allot on the need for feedback on the fire service:
Half of the firefighters are on-call, and it is important that people have their say on how that service is delivered.
The demand on the fire service is changing, so over the last few years the traditional chip-pan fires have dramatically diminished as have coal fires, but we are seeing a much greater demand for river rescue due to flooding.
We are also dealing with more safe guarding, as an example, in York, the average age of people jumping in the Ouse is 68, and if you went back 10 years it was 24.
People’s requirements from the fire service is changing.
With policing, 80% of the work in North Yorkshire involves some kind of safeguarding, with only 20% involving criminal activity. The fire service is also dealing with vulnerable people, lots of prevention visits going on.
We have 2 public safety officers and are recruiting a further 2, and they are going out to vulnerable members of the community, giving advice and offering safeguarding support.

More details on the consultations, the draft plans and how everyone can have their say is available now at
Consultation Events
All of the Consultation Events run between 10am and 4pm, and you can drop by at anytime.
- Wednesday 1st – Harrogate, Prospect Crescent
- Saturday 4th – Scarborough, Aberdeen Walk
- Wednesday 8th – Northallerton, High Street
- Saturday 11th – Malton, Market Place
- Friday 17th – Skipton, High Street
- Monday 20th – Selby, Market Place
- Saturday 25th – Richmond, Market Place
- Wednesday 29th – Northallerton, High Street
- Saturday 2nd – Harrogate, Prospect Crescent
- Wednesday 6th – Scarborough, Aberdeen Walk
- Saturday 9th – Malton, Market Place
- Tuesday 12th – York, Parliament Street
- Friday 15th – Skipton, High Street
- Friday 22nd – York, Parliament Street
The consultation documents are also available in a variety of accessible formats from the Commissioner’s office which can be contacted on 01423 569 562, by emailing or writing to the Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, 12 Granby Road, Harrogate HG1 4ST