North Yorkshire Police are dealing with an incident on Woodfield Road in Harrogate (17 June 2021, 10:06am)
- Please note the incident is now over and the road open.
- A man in his 30s has been arrested on suspicion of affray and has been taken to hospital for treatment.
- A woman was also taken to hospital with an injury to her hand.
The police have been in attendance since around 7:30am and the road is currently closed. They are in negotiation with a man in property and have concerns for his welfare.
Currently police negotiators are talking to the individual and seeking to provide him with help and support.
The situation is under control, and there is no risk to the wider community. Vehicles will need to go via Kings Road to access the section of Woodfield Road from the school.
Inspector Matt Hagen said:
We are trying to get a gentleman some help.
We have an ambulance on standby and we are trying to have negotiations with him.
But because he is leaning out of an upstairs window, and can see other people, he is talking about the other people he can see – that’s why we have asked everyone to move back so we can let the negotiators do their job.
With these things, we just try and be as safe as possible, his safety is paramount and if it takes all day, it takes all day.
We are here to help him, and we don’t want anyone to be injured, don’t want him to be injured.
The safest thing to do is to just give him time and space.