The Wesley Centre Concerts are set to resume in Harrogate.
They will resume on Monday 7 June 2021 at 1pm when pianist Clare Hammond, the hands in The Lady in the Van, gives the lunch-time recital.

She will be playing works by
- Brahms (Six Pieces for Piano, Op 118)
- Hélène Montgeroult (1764-1836), WG Still (1895-1978)
- Szymanowski ((Variations on a Polish Theme, Op.10.
Clare Hammond’s latest CD Variations was enthusiastically reviewed in the Gramophone (May 2021): “….this is a richly wide-ranging, deftly chosen programme…….played by a pianist of extraordinary gifts”.

The concert will be socially distanced and tickets are £10 – reserved from Andrew Hitchen, 01423 883618/

Mark Bebbington gives lunchtime recital on Monday 5 July 2021 at 1pm.
He is well known as a champion of British twentieth century British composers for the piano and, in a concert sponsored by the John Ireland Trust, he will be playing works by Ivor Gurney, Ernest Farrar, Robert Simpson and John Ireland. This concert s sponsored by the John Ireland Trust. Ernest Bristol Farrar (1887-1918) was appointed organist and choirmaster at Christ Church, Harrogate in 1912.
To compensate music-hungry concert-goers for the lack of concerts due to the pandemic, two further concerts are planned, on or around 21 June 2021 and July 19, details to be confirmed.