Andrew Jones MP
Andrew Jones MP

Andrew Jones MP urges employers to join KickStart scheme as local unemployment figures show slight decline

The April 2021 unemployment figures have been published this week.  They show the number of people who were claiming unemployment-related benefits.

Harrogate and Knaresborough constituency

  • April 2021 there were 2,530 claimants or 4.1% of the population aged 16 to 64
  • UK claimant rate was 6.3%
  • April was 10 lower than March 2021
  • But is now 1,525 higher than March 2020

The majority of the increase happened between March and May 2020 at the start of the coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdowns.

Local MP Andrew Jones said:

While our local unemployment rate remains significantly below the national average we must not be complacent.  Every person in work is a person supporting themselves and often a family too.  They are learning new skills in the workplace which will support their progression into better paid jobs.

That is why new schemes like KickStart are important providing cost-effective ways for employers to offer jobs to Universal Credit claimants.  The purpose of the scheme is to enhance skills, experience and future employment prospects.  In our area Your Consortium in Knaresborough are running a Kickstart scheme and I would encourage employers to get in touch with them.

Your Consortium are looking for businesses and charities across Yorkshire who would like to give a young person a great opportunity through the government’s Kickstart scheme.

The scheme provides the full wage for 25 hours/week for 6 months as well as a £1,200 flexible grant to support with equipment, training and support costs.

Any business interested in finding out more about the scheme can contact Your Consortium on 01423 795300.

1 Comment

  1. Laudable idea with a leaking sieve. Unless a 16 year/17 year old has a child oris sick they are unlikely to be able to get Universal Credit. As a result, acording to regulations, they don’t qualify to go on a kickstart scheme. These kids are the most in need of help to get jobs. Once again a Consevative policy not thought through.

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