The Yorkshire Hotel will open on Monday (12 April 2021) its mini Yorkshire Dales, right in front of the hotel named “Ales in the Dales”
An initial design was put together by artist, David Griffith. That design was then taken forward and worked-on by landscape designer, Nicholas Edward Fryer, along with Simon Cotton, to develop a design that within a limited budget.

The project wouldn’t have been possible without the support from many local businesses and individuals. Johnson’s of Whixley have loaned the plants and Horticap have been working on the planting.
Horticap –
Nicholas Edward Gardens –
Living Stone –
Johnson’s of Whixley Ltd –
The HACS Group –
Welcome To Yorkshire –
Akula Living –
David Griffin Artist –
Lindum Turf –
Available for just five weeks, the ‘Ales in the Dales’ creation has been completed with:
- 120 tonnes of topsoil
- 100 tonnes of Yorkshire stone
- 10 tonnes of dry stone wall
- 350 plants, trees and shrubs
- 300 square metres of real grass
- 35 tables seating over 100 people
- with the finishing touch of one miniature steam training
Booking on
Eleanor Richardson, Johnsons of Whixley Ltd said:
We are excited to be involved with the prestigious Yorkshire Hotel’s ‘Ale in The Dales’ as it marks the end of another lockdown.
The garden will see over 260 of our plants used to beautify the area; the plants will be loaned to the hotel for the duration of the project. We look forward to seeing the metamorphosis of the hotels outside space and have no doubt that it will entice people back to the pub and hotel after a difficult 13 months for the hospitality industry.

Phil Airey of Horticap said:
I got involved after Eleanor from Johnsons asked us if we were interested in helping.
Johnsons are loaning the plants, we are doing the planting-up and the Yorkshire Hotel will do a fundraiser for us later in the year, when it is safe to do so.

Nick Fryer said:
It has been a bit of a collaboration between David that has done the artist impression, Simon Cotton with his crazy brainwave, and us with a bit of creative madness.
They had obviously done the beach last year, and my first thought was they wanted to do some sort of beer garden, but that had already been done. But it is all being done on a shoestring budget, but people have been very generous with their time and support.
HACS have done us a great service in providing a lot of the materials on-line, we just needed to pay the transport costs.
We are using a WowGrass, which is a grass grown soilless on a matting, that’s normally grass reserved for shows.
It will be fantastic when completed.

Simon Cotton of the HRH Group (Yorkshire Hotel) said:
It was announced in February the roadmap, and we were initially expecting to open in full, but were then hit with 5-weeks of outdoor only.
We are really lucky in that we have some great areas of outdoor space in a great location, and 5-weeks is a long time. It wa
Beer carpark didn’t have the same ring as beer garden and that’s where I thought, we need to turn it into a garden. It started to gain momentum after I phoned around people like Johnsons of Whixley and then Horticap.
We are in Yorkshire, it’s the Yorkshire Hotel, so why not have a pastiche to the Yorkshire Dales in Harrogate.
First to start the build was husband and wife dry stone wall team, Jason and Tracey Potter. The duo from Living Stone carefully crafted a dry stone wall outside the property using 10 tonnes of stone to create an iconic feature fitting for any Dales scene.
On Tuesday 6 April HACS Group delivered 120 tonnes of top soil, 100 tonnes of Yorkshire stone and plant hire to maneuverer large Yorkshire stone boulders into place to create the hills scene across the car park
Wednesday, 7 and 8 April Horticap and Nicholas Edward Gardens have been planting
The turf is due to go down over the next couple of days and the train track put in place on Sunday, ready for a Monday 12 April opening.