Random Acts Donates Care Packages to Independent Domestic Abuse Services 

19 March 2021

On 12 March, the US-based nonprofit Random Acts donated £1,800 to the Independent Domestic Abuse Services (IDAS) of Yorkshire. The funds will be used to assemble 40 care packages containing groceries, personal hygiene products, and baby supplies for survivors of domestic and sexual abuse staying in IDAS’ refuges in York, Harrogate, and Barnsley.

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an increase in domestic violence, with cases increasing by up to 17% across the country.  Consequently, organisations like IDAS face the challenge not only of operating during a national health emergency, but also of responding to higher call volumes to their helplines, accommodating more women and children, who need their help, and dealing with more complex and higher-risk cases.

Random Acts’ mission is to spread kindness throughout the world – among other initiatives, by supporting organisations that provide fundamental help to local communities. This is why Random Act’s UK-based project manager, Miranda Debenhab, reached out to IDAS.

Familiar with the organisation’s outstanding work in helping Yorkshire residents affected by domestic and sexual abuse, she wanted to know how Random Acts could help. The result is a donation of £1800, which will be used to provide 40 care packages for those staying at IDAS refuges.

The care packages are custom-tailored to the needs of individual residents. They contain a wide range of groceries, personal care products, and items for babies and toddlers.

The packages are being assembled and distributed by community independent domestic abuse advocates or IDAS volunteers, based on the individual situation of women and families.


Andrea Williams, community service manager  at IDAS, explains:

The financial donation from Random Acts will make a real difference to the families we support, many of whom escape abuse with little more than the clothes they are wearing,”  “As well as being able to provide the packages when people arrive in our accommodation, we can also provide packages to families who are moving on to a start fresh, giving them a helping hand getting back on their feet. We are very grateful for this generous donation.

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