Two power outages in Harrogate – cable fault and substation fuse tripping

13 January 2021

Harrogate had two unrelated power outages on 12 January 2021.

At 16:51 there was a 6 minute outage that affected 2,500 properties in the HG1 and HG2 postcodes.

Northerpowergrid have confirmed that was a fault to an underground cable and remote switching restored supplies quickly.

The cable is scheduled for repair and further interruptions are not expected.

At 18:55 there was a further fault with the operation of a fuse at a substation that affected 40 properties, including Harrogate Town football ground. That necessitated an engineer to visit the substation, meaning it longer to clear the fault. All supplies were restored by 21:55.

Northernpowergrid have apologised for the interruptions.


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