All individuals are responsible for protecting children from abuse as a way of promoting their welfare. Children are well-protected where there are professionalism and clear rules as to what needs to be done to fulfil this responsibility.
The children’s needs are important and their concerns must be identified early and necessary actions must be taken. Employees at the North Yorkshire County Council have a professional duty to protect any child’s welfare within their community in setups such as homes, hospitals, and schools.
Child protection basics
Organizations that come into contact or work with children should have protection procedures and policies. Every child, regardless of their race, religion, disability, age, sexual orientation, and belief, has a right to protection against any form of abuse.
Establishing and following appropriate safeguarding procedures and policies ensures that children are safe from other children or adults who may expose them to risk. Such procedures may be established by faith groups, community-based organizations, schools, hospitals, and private sector service providers.
Staff members at Harrogate and District NHS Foundation trust oversee young people and children under 18 years in settings such as schools, hospitals, and homes. They are trained to act fast to respond to the children’s protection needs as they arise.
Children should be protected from mistreatment and abuse, health hazards, and development issues. Protection entails ensuring effective and safe care of the children as they grow up.
Action should be taken to enable all young people and children to experience the best outcomes as they grow. Child protection focuses on ensuring that children who are likely to suffer significant harm do not suffer. Content about child abuse plays a great role in spreading awareness. Addressing the issue of child abuse in academic papers from students is vital. Free essay samples from EduZaurus is a great way to come up with the best ideas and it can really prove to be beneficial in your education process as well, as anything addressing social issues is given importance and favored by the educators.
Help is available
If you are concerned about the safety of a child, ring the customer services centre on 01609780780 for help. The call centre will ask for details concerning the state of affairs of the child in distress as well as your details.
Experienced and professionals will quickly decide whether to take action or not, depending on the nature and complexity of the risk. Sometimes, due to the need for confidentiality, the staff may not always inform you of what happened thereafter.
By combining the known information and that which you provide, they may decide to conduct investigations to determine whether the victim is at risk. The staff will respect your desire for you to remain anonymous if need be.
However, the investigating social worker should be allowed to share your grievances openly and therefore, callers should consider this option. After conducting the investigation, the staff may decide that there is no action needed or they may offer advice or help to the family to resolve any problems. They can also convene a meeting called the initial child protection conference to decide on further steps.

Child protection arrangements
The key leads from the trust board are responsible for safeguarding children on the district NHS Foundation Trust Board and Harrogate. The major children protection arrangements include:
To ensure that procedures and policies are in place and are being strictly adhered to. These should be up-to-date and reflect government guidance and safeguarding children’s legislation.
To guarantee a safe work environment by ensuring that the staff members adhere to the statutory requirements concerning barring and disclosure service checks.
Following up with young people and children who fail to attend the recommended hospital appointments to ensure that this is not harmful to their health.
Team submission of the annual report for board review.
To create an accountability governance structure and pathway at senior nursing and executive level.
Safeguarding children partnership
The statutory requirement for the Local Safeguarding Children Board for North Yorkshire is no longer applicable. This is based on the provisions of Working together to Safeguarding Children and the Children and Social Work Act.
The North Yorkshire’s statutory safeguarding partnership, North Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group, and North Yorkshire group came up with multi-agency safeguarding agreements in conjunction with the relevant agencies as provides for in the Children and Social Work Act (2017).
The North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership ensures that children and young people who may be at risk enjoy a quality life. NYSCP performs the duties of the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Board and the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership.
It aims to ensure the health, happiness, and safety of children in North Yorkshire. It uses a subgroup model constituting partners who develop procedures, policies, and guiding practices for volunteers and professionals working with children in North Yorkshire.
The main duty of North Yorkshire County Council is to protect and promote children’s welfare. They ensure that children who need to be protected are safe from any harm. They understand that children have a right to be protected regardless of the prevailing circumstances. As such, specific child protection arrangements have been made by identified statutory bodies. NYSCP is particularly responsible for ensuring the safety of children in various social settings.
Author’s Bio:
Vendy Adams works for a tech startup where she looks after the digital marketing campaigns and ensures online brand visibility. She’s also a well-known thesis and dissertation writers and helps students with complex academic work. In her free time, she relaxes by the pool, reads novels and listens to retro music.