Light up a Life event goes online

11 December 2020

Saint Michaels hospice is inviting local people to join them this Sunday for a special opportunity to remember and celebrate the lives of loved ones, reflect on an unprecedented year and unite in love and hope.

Saint Michael’s online Light up a Life will be screened on Sunday 13 December 2020, bringing together music from St. Aidan’s Chamber Choir and Harrogate Operatic Players, as well as poetry, time to reflect, and the iconic illumination of the charity’s Christmas tree.

For more than two decades the community has made Saint Michael’s Light up a Life a meaningful part of their Christmas tradition, remembering and paying tribute to loved ones, while supporting local families living with terminal illness to make the most of their time together over the festive season.

Chief Executive of Saint Michael’s, Tony Collins, said:

Light up a Life is always an incredibly special and meaningful occasion, and we know that for many people this year’s event will mean, if possible, even more.

We know too that, in 2020, saying goodbye to loved ones hasn’t always been possible; gathering together at funerals hasn’t been the same, and friends and families have missed so many special moments together.

This year’s Light up a Life is time and space for you to use as you need. Whether you need to laugh or cry; take a moment of reflection alone or watch virtually alongside family and friends.

It is also a chance to celebrate our extraordinary community and the ways, together, we have responded to the challenges we have faced.

For many 2020 has been a year of sacrifice and separation, loneliness and isolation, financial worries and anxiety about the future, and across the world, in our communities and families, we continue to grieve the death of loved ones.

Where there have been dark times, it has been humbling and inspiring to see how the light finds a way to shine through. We saw this in the incredible spirit of our community. A community who pulled together to radiate hope and solidarity, care and kindness and support for those offering a profound service to local people: our country’s nurses, doctors, healthcare assistants, paramedics, housekeepers, shop teams, van drivers and each and every one of our amazing key workers.

Love, hope and light characterise this year’s event, and we hope as many people as possible will join us to make memories shine on and look forward, together, to brighter days ahead.

For the very first time you’ll have the opportunity to see your light shining brightly on our new and beautiful virtual tree. Each light will sparkle in tribute to a special person and will shine throughout the festive season.

There is still time to make your dedication at and join the event at 5pm 13 December 2020 at



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