Year 11 Results at Harrogate Grammar School | Harrogate Informer

Mr Neil Renton will be the ninth Headteacher of Harrogate Grammar School
Mr Neil Renton, Headteacher of Harrogate Grammar School

Year 11 Results at Harrogate Grammar School

20 August 2020

Today is an exceptional day for the students at Harrogate Grammar School as they receive their Final Exam Grades during a global pandemic. Results day this year looks very different with students not only receiving results via email, but also having faced the sudden end to their time at school. This is further compounded by unprecedented media coverage, resulting in the decision to award Centre Assessed Grades as the final result.

The completion of Centre Assessed Grades was a process that has never been attempted before and was forced by circumstances which nobody could possibly have foreseen. Our staff worked diligently and ethically to provide grades for students and to place them in rank order as fairly and accurately as possible.

Neil Renton, Headteacher at Harrogate Grammar School, comments:

We are very pleased with the outcomes our students have achieved this year.  The outcomes reflect the high standards that we typically achieve along with our continued emphasis on providing a broad and balanced curriculum, meeting the differing needs, aspirations and interests of our learners. We are very proud of our Year 11 students who embraced all the opportunities that the school offered them, not only in a broad curriculum in areas such as science, maths, languages, humanities and the arts, but also the wide range of extra-curricular activities such as sport, music and charities. We admire them for their commitment, sustained effort and for achieving their own excellence.

We would like to stress that we recognise the exceptional hard work of all our students, the support of their families and the dedication of all of our teachers and support staff over the duration of their schooling. This is a cohort of young people who have had an experience in their final year of school like no other. It is important that we celebrate the success of our students and take great pride in their achievements over many years. The vast majority of Year 11 have chosen to progress to the Sixth Form at Harrogate Grammar School and we wish all students every success in their future endeavours.

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