James Hall, partner at planning and design agency Barton Willmore, said:
The “build, build, build” mantra should be welcome news to Yorkshire, but the Prime Minister’s announcement should be more ambitious for our regions.
His focus on the delivery of new homes is welcome, as is bringing forward investment in road and rail infrastructure – a key determiner of our prosperity.
The proposed £12bn affordable homes programme is positive and will support the delivery of new homes, however we were already promised this in the Chancellor’s March Budget.
West Yorkshire and Sheffield City Region’s share of the £400m Brownfield Land Fund is good news, but we believe the Government should go much further here.
The renewed focus on permitted development rights to turn commercial buildings in town centres into housing, is only tinkering around the edges. To deliver meaningful economic growth the Government must look at measures to enable much bigger volumes of good quality housing.
We’re awaiting with interest the mooted measures to speed up major applications. At the moment it can take a year to get outline consent, and expediting that process could significant positive impact in Yorkshire.

Yorkshire planner calls for more ambitious deal following PM’s speech
Yorkshire planner calls for more ambitious deal following PM’s speech