Statement regarding the opening of pubs in Harrogate town centre
See Harrogate Pubs open takeaway service
A spokesman for Harrogate Borough Council said:
We are aware of issues over the weekend with pubs opening in the centre of Harrogate.
Our enforcement team visited the town centre on Saturday. Breaches of the lockdown regulations were witnessed.
Advice was given to the licensees of two premises, reminding them of the law.
Sadly, one premises – the Coach and Horses – opened again on the Sunday. Although the licensee followed the initial advice, a further breach of the regulations was committed.
Our officers returned to the premises the same day and a prohibition notice was served.
While on site, our staff were subjected to verbal abuse from customers.
We will take all necessary enforcement action if a business breaks the current coronavirus lockdown legislation.

While pubs are allowed to offer take away food (which may include alcoholic drink), they are not permitted to operate any kind of beer ‘garden’ on their property. This includes putting tables or chairs on, or anywhere adjacent to, their premises for customers to use.
The Coach and Horses allowed bar furniture to be taken outside and an impromptu beer garden made.
If a reader spots a business trading when it shouldn’t be, it can be reported via the HBC website: Report to HBC
The Coach and Horses were also looking to operate as a Garden Nursery and had taken plants from Horticap, a local charity nursery.
The plants have now been removed and Horticap have put a statement on Facebook:
Horticap Horticap fully understands the concern that some have expressed on social media with people failing to follow social distancing guidance.
The plants had been supplied on the understanding that the venue was closed for sales of alcohol.
Following this weekend Horticap have removed its plants and feel it would be morally wrong to gain any benefit from this activity.
Congratulations HBC, I thought it was an absolute disgrace. So much for the intelligence of Harrogate people, no social distancing what a joke. I applaud the Police and yourselves for dealing with this. #stayalert #keepsafe #protectourcommunity
Ask yourself this question ? Was it worth? You put yourselves and
your families at risk for a pont of beer!
[…] Also see HBC release statement on pubs opening […]
Good for the Coach. Its time these pointless jobsworth rules stopped. Any danger is minimal and economic shutdown will kill more than covid ever will
Well you have made a first class fool of yourself , if everyone flaunted the rules like the Coach and Horses then you would perhaps not be able to write such nonsense . If you fail to understand my point maybe I will spell it out m Coronavirus Kills.
I do feel sorry for the pubs and restaurants it must be hell were their finances are concerned ,,easy to judge !! However must stay safe probably not a good idea .Ironic though to get a breach from the council with all its might ,,,and Yet Dominic Cummings was allowed to get away with many breaches Discemination in my book .
Who is Dominic Cummings?
Pubs are having a really tough time at the moment for certain, but the Coach and Horses are not alone in this. Their actions (it’s not as though they didn’t have prior warning) were irresponsible nevertheless. Other pubs, presumably, did not do this sort of thing. It will be interesting to see whether their rules-abiding other customers will take the view that such irresponsibility does not deserve their future custom. The managers of the Coach will then be able to judge whether the “Yorkshire pub of The Year” was forgiven. It’s not as though there are not other establishments in Harrogate, and some pretty good ones too. Licensees also have to be responsible people under the law. License renewal might not be forthcoming
And yet no action taken against the Blues Bar or Three’s a Crowd?
They should all have their licences revoked. Yes, they are having a hard time, but so are thousands of businesses around the world. Why should they be above the law when they are putting lives at risk.
Throw the book at them. Ask the relatives of all the people who have already died from the virus whether they think its a good idea to please the few who feel they can’t survive without a pint of beer.
This is the licensee of the Coach and Horses showing a total disregard for Public Health, Licensing Laws, HBC & the Police.
His Licence allows for sale of alcohol in sealed containers for consumption off premises but to pull pints for customers and then empty his pub of chairs & tables and set them up on the stray is disgraceful against the backdrop of the pandemic and guidelines issued by Government.
Like the Landlord of the Three Horseshoes in Killinghall he chose to disregard the rules putting people at risk he should pay with his licence…simple !
I wish the police were as quick to disperse the big groups of people congregating on the stray. Some of them were up to twenty in no. Not only endangering lives but leaving the stray covered in bottles and cans. Not a police man in sight.
50,000 UK residents die from Coronvirus and you support a business that flaunts the rules . Were you one of crowd that thought it was great. . Look in the mirror and reflect on what you see.
Lets get this right ,50,000 Uk residents have died as a result Of Coronavirus , Grandparents have not seen their grandchildren for 10 weeks and the eldery have been told to stay ay home and then there is you , You open your doors to the public and put your pub stools on pavements and the Stray and you think it is ok ,who are the idiots here you or your customers . Take a walk into town and see how many cafes and restuarants that closed , also count the number of shops are not trading . I hope the appropriate authorities throw the book at you and you loose your licenceas a result of your actions . They say Coventry is a nice place to live ,enjoy it .
Question I would like the Coach and Horses to answer is did you use Horticap to allow you to stick two fingers up at the law , residents of Harrogate , fellow traders , I believe you did . Anyone attending this Pub should be ashamed ,do you not care about your families , friends and work colleagues. A message to those that abused the HBC officials , you need to grow up and fast. I would not want any one to loose their Licence or be prosecuted but I feel that you do not deserve pity. You have let your self down and Harrogate.Have a good nights sleep if you can .