BID creates special “Harrogate Welcomes You” social distancing packs for town businesses | Harrogate Informer

Harrogate BID

BID creates special “Harrogate Welcomes You” social distancing packs for town businesses

Ahead of Harrogate businesses and shops starting to reopen from Monday (June 1), the town’s Business Improvement District (BID) has produced a series of posters and floor stickers to assist staff and customers with social distancing measures.
29 May 2020

Ahead of Harrogate businesses and shops starting to reopen from Monday (June 1), the town’s Business Improvement District (BID) has produced a series of posters and floor stickers to assist staff and customers with social distancing measures.

The “Harrogate Welcomes You” pack – which are free to all businesses within the BID district and have been created by De-Signs and Skinny Design – contain:

  • 1 x window graphic
  • 6 x posters
  • 6 x 2m apart floor stickers
  • 6 x two feet floor stickers

Whilst the posters encourage the washing or sanitising of hands regularly and to keep doorways clear so people can enter and exit safely, the floor stickers are a reminder of the 2m distancing social distancing rule.

Harrogate BID Interim Manager Simon Kent said:

We have used the slogan ‘Harrogate Welcomes You’ which is a simple, yet powerful, message which we believe will strike a chord with businesses and customers alike.

With the town gradually coming back to life in the next couple of weeks, these packs will be available, free of charge, for all businesses within the BID district.

They have been designed to work in any businesses environment, be it shops or offices, and as well as reminding people what they should be doing to minimise the risk of contracting Covid-19, they include the strong welcoming message.

Businesses who would like a pack are asked to email before Thursday, 4 June 2020, with their requirements.

Further information about the Harrogate BID is available from its website,

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