Staying eco-friendly during home learning

13 May 2020

Since the end of March, most children have been learning at home with the help of their parents and online tool kits.

With home learning in mind, Peter Bell, an Energy Reduction Officer at North Yorkshire County Council, has launched a new website for children aged between seven and 11 years old to teach them about climate change, and the importance of carbon reduction.

Peter, known by teachers and pupils in North Yorkshire as eco-hero Power Down Pete, has been visiting schools for ten years.

Peter said:

It is vital that we still maintain connections with the school and their communities as well as encourage the children to take an interest in environmental issues.

The website, NYCC Eco Education has a range of activities designed to be accessed online, and assists both children and parents in understanding the issues facing the planet.

Each lesson is neatly packaged into PowerPoints, videos and worksheets that can be printed, along with some quiz challenges to complete online.

County Councillor Patrick Mulligan, Executive Member for Education and Skills, said:

With Peter not able to visit schools at the moment, this is a great opportunity for children to still engage with our eco-friendly lessons during these unprecedented times. It is one of the many innovative ways staff are trying to maintain service continuity with schools.

To visit NYCC Eco Education go to

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