Video: Harrogate town centre "stay home and only go out if you really have to" | Harrogate Informer

Harrogate town
Harrogate town

Video: Harrogate town centre “stay home and only go out if you really have to”

Harrogate town had a reasonable level of compliance to the instruction to not go out into public spaces unless you really have to, but it could be improved.

Harrogate town had a reasonable level of compliance to the instruction to not go out into public spaces, but it could be improved.

Many of the town shops have closed and more are due to follow. There were stills cases of people just hanging around, mostly young people on benches.

The Government’s advice is stay home and only go out if you really have to and have said that tougher measures will come in if there is not better compliance.

Boris Johnson has said that he will address the nation at 8:30PM this evening.


  1. Great to see the updates Tim, but don’t put yourself out for the few, the masses understand the seriousness of the situation, you have a family also. #keep-safe

  2. there are some people however that think they know better , ibpm builders merchant for example .still open , with plenty of people coming and going !

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