A group of Year 6 children from Knaresborough St John’s C of E Primary School were honoured in a special assembly during which they received certificates for completing the prestigious Archbishop of York Young Leaders’ Award. During the award programme, the children learn about leadership through service to others, to the school, to our town and to the developing world. They complete individual and whole-group challenges which require them to ‘be the change they want to see’.
Presenting the children with their awards were Andrew Jones, MP for Harrogate and Knaresborough; Dan Finn, CEO of the Youth Trust; Roger Hewitt, the town crier; Councillor Hannah Gostlow, representing Knaresborough town council; Rev Garry Hinchcliffe, team rector of Knaresborough parish; and Rev Stroma McDermott, team vicar.
Always a thrill to have in school, the town crier opened the assembly and welcomed the guests and the many parents who had come to share their children’s special moment. Hannah Gostlow addressed the children eloquently, sharing her journey of Knaresborough’s Bright Friday event from idea to actualisation, emphasising the need to meet and overcome any obstacles that might stand in the path of that idea. Her message resonated with the Young Leaders who had encountered many obstacles as they embarked on their community projects.

As they neared completion of the award, the Young Leaders had been invited to address a group of adults at Bishopthorpe Palace about their experiences of the award, a day they will always remember. After presenting to the delegates, the children were given a tour of parts of the palace, followed by an awesome lunch – both were hugely enjoyable!
After presentation of certificates to the Year 6 children, and badges to the Year 5 children, prayers of thanksgiving and hope were led by members of the school’s Collective Worship team.
Headteacher, Alex Hope, concluded by expressing the pride felt by the whole school for the commitment to serving others demonstrated by these children – future leaders of Knaresborough.