Harrogate Borough Council have started a consultation on the proposed loss of public open space at Ginny Greenholes Play Area, off East Park Road in Spofforth.
The Consultation
In accordance with the Local Government Act 1972 s.123 (2A), Harrogate Borough Council hereby gives notice of its intention to dispose of, by way of an easement, an area of public open space extending to 142 sq m. The land forms part of a public open space known as the Ginny Greenholes Play Area, to the north of East Park Road, Spofforth. The proposed use of the land is a footpath, linking East Park Road with a new housing development.
Any member of the public wishing to comment on this proposal should do so in writing within 28 days of the date of the publication date of this notice in the newspaper (13 February 2020) to the Head of Legal and Governance, Harrogate Borough Council, Civic Centre, St Luke’s Mount, Harrogate, HG1 2AE or by email to declan.doherty@harrogate.gov.uk
Further information and a plan showing the location of the land can be viewed below, at the customer service desk in the Civic Centre or by emailing development@harrogate.gov.uk
E Park Rd, Spofforth, Harrogate HG3, UK
Further information
The council is considering the grant an easement for a footpath through the above land, as generally shown on the plan.
Ginny Greenholes Play Area is owned by us, but leased to Spofforth with Stockeld Parish Council.
Proposed heads of terms for the easement have been agreed with the owner of the adjacent development site and with the Parish Council, subject to contract and the public open space consultation.
Following discussions with the Parish Council, the proposed footpath is:
- be along the southern edge of the Ginny Greenholes site, so that this will have minimum impact on the playground site
- to be gated at both ends of the section crossing the play area, to allow parents with pushchairs and dismounted cyclists to pass through, but to restrict motorcycles
- to be kept as narrow and short as is reasonably possible following consultation with North Yorkshire County Council Highways, Harrogate Borough Council Planning and also Legal Advisors
- As part of the proposal we are granting the Parish Council a new 25-year lease that will protect the long-term future of the playground and wildlife area.
- The Parish Council are also being compensated and we understand that this money will be used to assist new projects in the village. The footpath will be adopted by the builders and North Yorkshire County Council, so that the Parish Council will have no responsibility for future maintenance costs.