The Celebration of Achievement evening at the spectacular Royal Hall was a great success and provided a wonderful opportunity for Harrogate Grammar School students to demonstrate their many talents and achievements.
On this very special night a whole range of achievements are recognised; academic, sporting, musical and for many, that most important ingredient of any success, effort. It was wonderful to see so many young people come up on stage to receive their awards, which are the pinnacle of the awards’ system in school.
Guests on the evening included the CEO of Red Kite Learning Trust and former Harrogate Grammar School Headteacher, Mr. Richard Sheriff, Trustees and Governors who were privileged to listen to the cast of The Sound of Music singing ‘The Overture’, ‘Morning Hymns’ and ‘Doe, a Deer’ and also watch the Key Stage Three Drama club perform ‘REACH’ directed by Rebecca Clarkson, year 12 student, all of which were outstanding in such a fantastic venue.

On the night, Ellie Rymer, former Harrogate Grammar School Head Girl 2013-14 and HGS Alumnus, was welcomed as the speaker, she spoke to us about the five lessons she has learnt since leaving school; Lesson one – Try something new, Lesson two – It’s a team game, Lesson three – See the world, Lesson four – look after yourself and Lesson five – Persevere. There was a message for everyone in what she said and she spoke with clarity, sincerity and honesty. It was a real privilege for her to return to share her story with our students, staff and families.
Mr Sheriff awarded the prizes alongside Ellie. There were also incredibly inspiring speeches from Head Students, Joe Nichols and Phoebe Kyriakopoulos. The evening closed with ‘So Long, Farewell’ from the cast and band of The Sound of Music.

Mr Renton, Headteacher, commented:
Harrogate Grammar School has had a very successful year, in terms of examination outcomes, GCSE results were outstanding, and the school maintained the excellent outcomes in A Level results. These students have now left and are ready to not only take on the challenges of the world, but also ready to seize the many opportunities that are out there for the taking.

However, it isn’t just about exam results at Harrogate Grammar School.
Mr Renton, Headteacher, said:
Last week, students hosted our most popular annual festive coffee morning to date with over 100 senior citizens from our community attending. The warmth, grace and understanding shown by our students was wonderful and greatly appreciated by their guests.
Whilst we proudly celebrate the brilliant academic achievements of our students, we also recognise the positive contribution to the life of the school that students of all abilities are able to make and this is what the Celebration of Achievement evening is all about.