Harrogate Spring Water submitted further planning documents over the Christmas period, confirm their ambition to extend their plant into the Pinewoods.
The plans, submitted to Harrogate Borough Council, show an increase in size of the building of over 40%, from 4,800 sq m to 6,800 sq m – This would see most of the Rotary Wood area of the Pinewoods being completely destroyed.
Full details of the application can be found here via ref 19/05245/DVCMAJ
The land is owned by Harrogate Borough Council and Harrogate Spring Water Limited is looking to build a new bottling facility, giving it greater capacity to produce bottled water in plastic. This needs to be set against the global backdrop of a pushing back in the use of plastic, but also the reality that plastic bottled water usage is currently continuing to increase in the UK.
Harrogate Borough Council approved outline planning in May 2017.
Due to the significant change, the Pinewoods Conservation Group have now written to Harrogate Council to request that the application is referred back to the full planning committee.

A spokesperson for the Pinewoods Conservation Group said:
We have also raised concern on the lack of information to address the various conditions applied at outline planning and at this time feel unable to fully respond to the planning application.
We know many members and supporters will also want to respond but out suggestion at this time is to wait until all information is available. If needed we will seek an extension to the 3 Feb deadline.
It is now vital that legal support is retained, and we seek your further support.
It should also be noted that a further planning application is now also expected to increase car parking capacity on the site. This is likely to see further loss of green space.
The Pinewoods Conservation Group is asking for financial support to oppose the development and are asking for donations https://www.crowdjustice.com/case/pinewoods/
The campaign has already seen a good level of support, but it needs more.