Horticap are giving away a Christmas Tree and want your suggestions on where it should go.
The charity was founded 36 years ago and operates a 4-acre nursery site on the Otley Road in Harrogate.
They have students ranging from 18 to 67 with one student having been with them for 34 years. Each student is different, but they have a range of learning disabilities.

Phil Airey, Operations manager at Horticap, said:
Horticap provides not just a place to come to, but a place to come to work.
The students have different capacities. Some go out into the community and work on gardens and that’s an area that keeps us very busy.
Other students work in our glass houses. This time of year they are busy making wreaths and selling Christmas trees and in the Spring they will puting together many hanging baskets.

They have two large glass houses and poly tunnels. The café is about to be redeveloped following a legacy donation. It will be the biggest development since they opened their doors.
The last two weeks have been exceptionally busy with 800 Christmas Trees, but one big tree hasn’t sold. Horticap have decided to give it away and want your ideas as to where it should go.
Phil Airey said:
It’s a big tree though and likely best for an outdoor location.
We will deliver the tree, but would really like suggestions on where it would go.
Perhaps it could go to a local charity, a community group, a school or a business. We would just like to hear people’s ideas on where it should go. It is a lovely tree, and we don’t want it to be wasted.
If you have suggestions or think you have a home for the tree email us on news@harrogate-news.co.uk or leave a comment on Facebook.

An orphanage/An OAP home – very generous of you. Would be nice if people could donate ornaments wherever you decide upon