Author has first children's christmas story book published with book signing at Harrogate Waterstones | Harrogate Informer

Caroline Hoile
Caroline Hoile

Author has first children’s christmas story book published with book signing at Harrogate Waterstones

13 November 2019

A North East writer has recently had her first children’s illustrated story book published. It’s a Christmas themed title called ‘The Hoity-Toity Angel’ and was written by Caroline Hoile who lives in Newcastle.

Published by SPCK, the Hoity-Toity Angel tells the delightful story of a very proud and beautiful angel who really thinks that she is the best. She’s unbelievably snooty and, well, hoity-toity! Many tantrums later, and after creating the most terrible fusses, the Hoity-Toity Angel finally meets her come-uppance, and realises that looks are not so important after all – it’s what you’re like inside that matters the most!

Caroline is well known as an established writer of songs and musical plays for primary and early years education, which are popular with teachers, children and parents all over the UK – including the original musical version of the Hoity-Toity Angel, which is published by Grumpy Sheep Music in Newcastle.

Caroline said:

I’m absolutely thrilled to have had my first children’s story book published! It’s so exciting to finally see the story in print. And the illustrations by Hazel Quintanilla are just fantastic.

Caroline will be signing her Hoity-Toity Angel books at Waterstones in Harrogate on Sunday 17 November 2019.

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