Judith Rogerson

Personal statement from the Liberal Democrat PPC for Harrogate and Knaresborough

The Harrogate and Knaresborough Liberal Democrats have confirmed that their candidate for the December 2019 General Election will be Judith Rogerson.

Judith took up the position in May 2018 and remains their PPC.

See Liberal Democrats select new Parliamentary Candidate for Harrogate and Knaresborough 

Judith Rogerson said:

I’m standing in Harrogate & Knaresborough because this constituency is home for me and my family.  I have spent a great deal of time knocking on the doors of local residents to ask them about the issues that really matter to them. Time and time again they have spoken fondly of Phil Willis who was the Lib Dem MP in this area until 2010. They always tell me how dedicated he was to his constituents – that’s the sort of MP I want to be!

For the past 16 years I’ve practised as a barrister, advising and representing doctors, patients and the NHS. I want to use my skills and experience to stand up for our community and fight for the things we need to improve the lives of local people.

We desperately need more investment in the NHS, in schools and the police; we need a modern and reliable rail service; we need a vision for the future of our high streets and town centres; and we need to act urgently to tackle the climate emergency.

But before we can properly address all of these important issues, we have to put a stop to the chaos that has been caused by Brexit. Despite the assertions by Boris Johnson that the Conservatives will ‘get Brexit done’ that just isn’t possible without many more years of uncertainty and negotiations. That’s why, if I’m elected, I’ll work with other Lib Dem MPs to stop Brexit so we can have a brighter, forward looking future for our country.


  1. I really want to see this lady elected this time around. I think Andrew Jones has had his time and should be very worried. Time for a change.

  2. Personally my opinion of Andrew Jones is simple he has done very little and is seen very little , i hope Judith Rogerson is like Phil Willis in ethics and enthusiasm because since 2010 Knaresborough and surrounding areas as well as schools and local services are at an all time low I for one will be glad to see the back of the invisible man Andrew Jones

  3. Jones is a lazy local MP. He is a sheep, follows the herd and says and does nothing. Time for change and time to stop this madness that is Brexit.

  4. I agree strongly with Christopher Knight and John Douglass. I hope sincerely that Judith Rogerson is given the chance to show what she can do for Harrogate and is not just a career politician.

    • So Judith Rogerson says she will work with other Lib Dem MPs to”stop Brexit”
      So how does that differ from Andrew Jones working with those of his fellow Conservative MPs who want to deliver the Brexit that the majority of the UK voted for in the 2016 referendum?The democratic decision which gave the government a mandate to leave the EU.And as for saying that Andrew Jones doesn’t do anything for his constituents in Harrogate and is never seen I would like to draw your readers attention to the excellent support he gave to the Save Nidd Gorge campaign when the construction of the so-called Harrogate relief road threatened to destroy the Gorge and Bilton fields.He joined the walk to Ripley and subsequently the one in conjunction with the Woodland Trust,also being available to answer questions and concerns from his constituents.His attendance was invaluable and considerably raised the profile of this vital environmental issue.
      Back to Brexit,the “madness”has only ensued since the remain supporters decided that they would waste the three years following the referendum doing their utmost to derail our exit from the EU by delaying and sabotaging any possibility to get the deal done!

  5. What an arrogant kick in the teeth to democracy the Liberal Party line is. And I voted for them in the past. But if you intend to vote for them this time, make no mistake, you are participating in the clearest rejection of the democratic process in any of our lifetimes. What ever twisted contortions are used to justify it this will be seen, rightly, as a case of “we know better and your vote only matters when it agrees with mine”. There may or may not be a price to Brexit…. the price of blatantly denying the Referendum may ultimately prove to be much greater.

  6. Everyone who is preaching about ‘will of the people etc’ – Harrogate voted remain in 2016. The will of the people here was to remain. So I’m using your argument back on yourselves. Democracy, hey? Seesh…

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