One of our largest ever cohorts of Year 13 students at Harrogate Grammar school are celebrating an excellent set of A Level & BTEC results today.
These resultsc the impressive performance of HGS Sixth Formers in recent years and provides a springboard for an extremely wide range of higher education, apprenticeship and employment opportunities.
Despite significant national changes to the A level Examination system over recent years, students have achieved excellent results with 56% of all A Level grades being at A*-B. This demonstrates an impressive performance from a Sixth Form which prides itself on its inclusivity and comprehensive intake, with 95% of all exam entries achieved at A*-D. In addition, an impressive 28% of grades were A*-A and 8% at the top grade of A*. The outcomes for our BTEC courses are equally notable with 87% of all results achieving Distinction* to Merit and a 100 per cent pass rate. This shows Harrogate Grammar School’s continued commitment to world class provision and to enhancing opportunities for all. Our students have yet again made progress beyond national levels.
HGS students continue to be accepted into the country’s most competitive universities.
Jessica Dunmore (A*A*A*A*), Jacques Maurice (2A*AB)) and Freya Holden (A*AA) will be studying English, Economics and Geography respectively at Oxford University. In addition, Joe Grant achieved 3A*A, Holly Harrison 3A*A and Ed Malone 3A*. Similarly, impressive with 2 A* grades and 2 A grades were Lottie Leigh, Caitlin Brown, Al Crawley and Abigail Cocks. Esther Fenwick achieved 1 A* grades, 2 A and a Distinction* in music.
Students are heading off to a wide range of destinations. Achele Agada has already commenced her studies at Harvard University and Megan Humphries has received a full scholarship to study the Harp at The Royal Academy of Music. A number of apprenticeships have also been secured, including William Banks at ALDI and Louisa Brabbin at KPMG.
This is just a sample of the range of excellent results and progression routes, which recognise the exceptional hard work of all our students, the support of their families and the dedication of all of our teachers and support staff. Our students and staff have responded superbly to the significant challenges brought about by curriculum reform and it is with great pride that Harrogate Grammar School would like to congratulate all our students and wish them every success in their future endeavours.
A ACKROYD biol, graphic comm**, psychol, O ADENIYI biol*, chem*, geog*, A AGADA biol*, chem, maths*, pe*, T AGRIDHIOTIS hist, gov and polits, A AINSLEY maths*, mus*, phys*, B ALABI chem, maths*, phys, R ALEXANDER eng lit, fren, hist, Z ALEXANDER comp, maths*, FAmaths, phys, D ALI gov and polits, psychol, sociol, T ANANTAM maths, phys, A ANDERSON graphic comm*, psychol, sociol, O ANDERSON biol, geog, phys, E ATKINS geog, rel studs, sociol, F ATKINS biol, eng lit*, psychol*, G ATKINSON art and des , eng lit, hist, L AUCKLAND busi studs, W BANKS geog, prod des, sociol, E BARNARD sociol, A BARRETT maths*, phys, prod des, A BARRETT eng lit*, fren*, sociol*, J BASSITT busi studs, sociol, A BAXTER biol*, chem, maths*, J BEACHAM fren, geog, M BEADLE biol, pe, psychol, K BEECROFT biol, dram and theat studs*, maths, G BEELEY econ*, geog, maths, A BENDOY busi studs, geog, sociol, J BIAGIONI eng lit, gov and polits, sociol, Y BISSAS biol, pe, phys, I BLAIR art and des **, biol*, chem, T BLUNSTONE pe, phys, prod des, E BOOTH biol, chem*, maths*, S BOURGEOIS fren, psychol, sociol*, H BOWERS art and des , geog, graphic comm**, W BOWLAS biol, geog, psychol, G BOWMAN busi studs, sociol, L BRABBIN eng lit*, geog*, maths, C BROWN graphic comm**, photy**, sociol*, M BUCKA art and des , dram and theat studs, ital*, J BUCKLE maths*, phys, prod des, I BUTTLE graphic comm, photy, S CALDER econ, eng lang, geog, E CAMPBELL-KING biol, busi studs, sociol, E CARLYON geog, psychol, sociol, S CHAWLA biol*, chem*, eng lang, maths, P CLANCY eng lit, hist, gov and polits, J CLARK comp, geog, maths*, D CLAYTON eng lang, psychol, rel studs*, O COATES econ*, maths**, phys, A COCKS fren*, ital**, sociol*, C COLLINS hist, gov and polits, psychol, B CONNOR busi studs, econ, psychol, L CORBETT biol, chem, psychol, O COTTON graphic comm, photy, C COWGILL dram and theat studs*, eng lit, germ**, I COYLE eng lit, germ*, hist**, A CRAWLEY hist**, psychol**, rel studs*, J CREENEY econ*, geog*, psychol*, E DAGNALL eng lang, gov and polits, psychol, E DAVIES chem, comp, maths, phys, A DAVIS dram and theat studs**, eng lang, geog, C DAY eng lit, geog*, hist*, F DEACON busi studs, econ, psychol, M DEAN eng lit, psychol, sociol, K DIGNAM eng lit, psychol, sociol, J DUCKER busi studs, econ, prod des**, J DUNMORE eng lit**, hist**, ital**, gov and polits**, L DUTTON biol, hist, maths, A DYER econ, maths*, phys, B EASTWOOD comp, maths, gov and polits, B EDINGTON eng lang, psychol, span, S EDMUNDS eng lang, psychol*, sociol**, E EDWARDS sociol, J EKANEM art and des **, biol, chem, A EVANS art and des *, eng lit, geog*, J FEARNLEY biol, fren, psychol, E FENWICK eng lit*, psychol*, span**, J FILIPPUCCI hist, ital*, span, N FISK biol, geog, psychol, L FOGGITT art and des , busi studs, psychol**, H FOSTER busi studs, A FOY biol, chem, hist, F FRY graphic comm**, sociol, R FURBY dram and theat studs, eng lit, span, E GARCIA biol, geog**, psychol*, E GARCIA art and des , photy**, E GIBBON hist, psychol, F GIBSON art and des , busi studs, geog, A GLEN geog*, germ, pe*, J GLEN busi studs, sociol, J GNAP biol, geog, hist, C GOODALL biol, chem, maths, J GRANT econ*, FAmaths**, phys**, O GRIFFITHS hist, maths, psychol*, T GUGAN geog, psychol, F HADDLETON biol, fren, hist*, R HAILS graphic comm**, maths, C HALLIDAY geog, pe, psychol, A HAMILL eng lang, psychol, sociol, D HAMPSHIRE graphic comm, photy, A HARDY biol, geog, rel studs*, O HARMS psychol, rel studs, sociol, H HARRISON geog*, ital**, maths**, S HARRISON busi studs, geog, prod des*, O HARTMANN geog, hist*, sociol, L HARTSHORN photy**, psychol, K HEFFERNAN biol, chem, hist, S HENDERSON art and des , geog, psychol, S HENNESSY chem, maths, psychol, A HEWITT-CRAFT dram and theat studs, sociol, A HODGSON psychol, sociol, F HOLDEN eng lit*, geog*, maths**, F HOLLINS eng lang**, geog*, gov and polits*, M HOLMES biol, chem, psychol, C HOLTHAM geog, hist, sociol, M HOPE dram and theat studs*, eng lit, hist, E HOULT dram and theat studs, hist, mus, F HUBBARD sociol, O HUDSON biol, busi studs, geog, H HULL gov and polits, M HUMPHRIES dram and theat studs, germ, mus, S HUNJAN chem, FAmaths, phys, J IMRIE pe, psychol, sociol, W INGLIS econ, gov and polits, sociol, B JACKSON busi studs, eng lang, fren, M JALLOW biol, chem, psychol, H JAMES geog*, germ, maths*, prod des**, T JENNINGS eng lang, mus, A KEANE biol*, chem*, fren, N KELLY art and des , eng lit**, hist*, S KENT busi studs, econ, F KEOGH biol*, chem, maths*, A KERNAGHAN hist*, rel studs*, sociol*, H KEY chem, phys, gov and polits, R KEY graphic comm, photy, B KEYSE photy, I KHALID econ*, geog*, maths*, H KIRK busi studs, pe, K KLEPAJCZUK photy, A KNIGHT eng lit**, geog*, ital*, W KOMISAREK biol, psychol, sociol, N KORNACKA fren, maths*, phys, A KRISTIANSEN comp, maths, phys, W LADLEY econ, gov and polits, psychol, D LAM-DECKER busi studs*, dram and theat studs, geog**, psychol*, M LAMONT comp, maths, phys, P LEEMING-SYKES eng lit, hist, sociol, L LEIGH dram and theat studs*, FAmaths**, phys*, C LEWIS eng lit, geog, sociol, C LINDLEY FAmaths*, phys*, prod des, M LOFTHOUSE geog, hist, sociol, A LONSDALE eng lang, graphic comm**, sociol, C MACE econ, hist, gov and polits, A MACFARLANE biol, fren, H MAINEY busi studs, geog, A MALIK geog, psychol, Y MALIK biol, photy**, psychol, E MALONE maths**, FAmaths**, phys**, A MANASEKI biol, chem, gov and polits, A MARTIN biol, geog, sociol, J MASON busi studs, psychol, sociol, C MATTHEWS biol, chem, psychol, J MAURICE econ*, geog, FAmaths**, T MCGHEE biol, busi studs, sociol, B MCKEE busi studs, econ, M MCMILLAN dram and theat studs*, eng lit, hist, E MCQUIRE photy**, sociol, G MEKALA biol*, chem*, maths*, N MERCHANT biol, pe, E MILLS biol*, chem*, maths*, N MONEM biol, chem, maths, S MORRISON eng lit, hist*, gov and polits, A MOSS econ, ital, mus*, sociol*, F MOSS-BLUNDELL fren*, ital*, psychol, E MURAT art and des *, fren*, psychol, I MURRAY dram and theat studs*, eng lit*, fren*, hist, L MURRAY eng lit, psychol, sociol, E NEESOM busi studs, sociol, T NOBLE chem, photy**, S NORMAND biol*, chem*, psychol*, B NUGENT phys, psychol, J O’MALLEY graphic comm, photy, G PAGE sociol, M PAGE dram and theat studs*, eng lit, psychol, J PALIONIS busi studs, econ, photy**, L PALLAN busi studs, econ, sociol, H PALLISER hist, gov and polits, rel studs*, T PALMER biol, chem, maths, A PARDOE eng lang, span*, E PARKER busi studs, J PEPPER busi studs, econ, J PITCHFORD geog, O PRICE eng lit, hist, maths*, psychol*, P PRICE eng lang, hist, sociol, B PROTHEROE biol*, chem*, germ*, E RAINEY geog, psychol, sociol, B RAWET busi studs, J REANEY dram and theat studs*, eng lang*, psychol, E REECE biol, pe, psychol, J REYNOLDS econ, geog, maths, H RIGBY FAmaths**, phys*, O ROBINSON dram and theat studs*, eng lit, hist, sociol*, K RODDAM graphic comm*, sociol, T RODGER art and des **, hist*, photy**, Z ROSENBERG geog, psychol, sociol, H ROTHWELL busi studs, geog, germ, P ROUSE art and des , eng lit*, fren, maths, L SCHOFIELD art and des , eng lang, span, E SCHUMACHER dram and theat studs, N SEATON biol, chem, psychol, J SHACKLETON biol, econ, B SHAW busi studs, sociol, L SHEA-MCKEE busi studs, hist, psychol, M SHEPPARD comp, maths*, phys, M SIBANDA geog, sociol, D SIROHI econ*, maths*, psychol*, J SMITH busi studs, econ*, geog, S SOMERS busi studs, geog, sociol, J STEVENSON dram and theat studs, eng lit, sociol*, R STOREY geog, hist, sociol**, H STOTT busi studs, econ, B SWALWELL econ*, maths*, phys, N THOMPSON econ, maths, gov and polits, R THOMSON biol, chem, maths, J TILFORD biol, sociol, G TOPPING geog, sociol*, P TOPPING maths, psychol, L TRANTOR chem, maths, phys, L TUNNICLIFFE busi studs, graphic comm, T TURNEY biol, chem, phys, N TURNOCK hist*, gov and polits**, psychol*, L VEALL econ, eng lit, gov and polits, L VERITY geog, psychol, sociol, G WARD busi studs, geog, M WARD eng lit**, geog, psychol, G WATCHORN hist, maths, psychol, C WATSON geog, maths, phys, O WATSON geog, maths, photy**, S WATSON biol, hist, psychol, H WEATHERILL eng lang, psychol, L WHITAKER biol, eng lit, pe, A WHITTON geog, sociol, S WILCOX hist, mus, psychol, C WILSON chem, comp, maths, G WILSON geog, sociol, W WILSON biol, chem, maths, E WOODHEAD psychol, rel studs, sociol, A WOOLCOCK busi studs, dram and theat studs, sociol, F WRIGHT rel studs, sociol, H YATES busi studs, geog, sociol, C YEADON eng lit, geog, psychol, J YIP biol*, chem*, mus, M YIP biol, busi studs, chem, A YOUNG biol, geog, psychol, F ZERRAD biol, chem*, W ZERRAD biol, chem,