Harrogate police

Harrogate Police ask public for help in non-recent sex assault investigation

21 May 2019

Detectives in Harrogate are appealing for members of staff who worked at the former USC store in Cambridge Street to come forward.

Officers are investigating an allegation of a non-recent serious sexual assault and are appealing to anyone who worked at the store from when it opened in 2006 to the time it was taken over in 2011.

The incident did not happen at the store, however, officers believe that former members of staff could have information that could help the investigation.

If you worked there between these dates, please contact the investigating officer, Detective Constable Dominic Holroyd in Harrogate CID by calling 101, extension 30811 or email dominic.holroyd@northyorkshire.pnn.police.uk Please quote reference 12190021592.

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