It’s been a busy half term for pupils at Willow Tree Primary School as the children have been discovering their talents in a variety of different sporting events.
The children were lucky enough to have a visit from international decathlete Matt Lee as part of the Sports for Champions initiative. With the chance to raise money to support both elite athletes like Matt and funding PE projects in school, the children were excited to be given the opportunity to try out his fitness circuit. Matt also spoke to the children about his experience of becoming an athlete and the challenges that he faced along the way.

Year 6 pupil, Maria enthused:
It was an amazing eight minutes of quick fitness and inspirational. Really fun! Everyone loved it.
Feeling inspired by Matt’s visit, Year 5/6 children put their enthusiasm to good use in a Quick sticks hockey tournament at St.Aidans last month. Showing great determination, the team came second to Killinghall who took the winning spot by one goal.
Team captain Jenny commented:
We worked exceptionally as a team and were really positive throughout the competition.

Lower down the school, Year 2 pupils took part in a mixed football tournament at St. John Fisher playing fantastically well, finishing in third place. In addition, Frankie in Lime Class earned a School Games wristband for passion showing increased confidence with every game she played.
Steve Reed, Sports lead at Willow Tree, said:
We’ve had a great few weeks and have continued to see some fantastic results from the children in every event they take part it. The visit from Matt Lee was a real highlight for us and a brilliant opportunity for the children to hear his story first hand, proving a great inspiration for many.