In pictures: Yorkshire Scooter Alliance – Knaresborough to Wetherby run out

Today (7 April 2019) saw the Yorkshire Scooter Alliance come together from a Knaresborough to Wetherby run out.

The scooters started arriving from around 11am at the riverside car park in Knaresborough – It is difficult to estimate the numbers, but certainly were in their hundreds.

Leaving at 1pm, they then took the route towards Harrogate, down Forest Lane to the Engine Shed in Wetherby.

Yorkshire Scooter Alliance - Knaresborough to Wetherby run out
Yorkshire Scooter Alliance - Knaresborough to Wetherby run out
Yorkshire Scooter Alliance - Knaresborough to Wetherby run out
Yorkshire Scooter Alliance - Knaresborough to Wetherby run out
Yorkshire Scooter Alliance - Knaresborough to Wetherby run out
Yorkshire Scooter Alliance - Knaresborough to Wetherby run out
Yorkshire Scooter Alliance - Knaresborough to Wetherby run out
Yorkshire Scooter Alliance - Knaresborough to Wetherby run out
Yorkshire Scooter Alliance - Knaresborough to Wetherby run out
Yorkshire Scooter Alliance - Knaresborough to Wetherby run out
Yorkshire Scooter Alliance - Knaresborough to Wetherby run out
Yorkshire Scooter Alliance - Knaresborough to Wetherby run out
Yorkshire Scooter Alliance - Knaresborough to Wetherby run out
Yorkshire Scooter Alliance - Knaresborough to Wetherby run out
Yorkshire Scooter Alliance - Knaresborough to Wetherby run out
Yorkshire Scooter Alliance - Knaresborough to Wetherby run out
Yorkshire Scooter Alliance - Knaresborough to Wetherby run out
Yorkshire Scooter Alliance - Knaresborough to Wetherby run out
Yorkshire Scooter Alliance - Knaresborough to Wetherby run out
Yorkshire Scooter Alliance - Knaresborough to Wetherby run out
Yorkshire Scooter Alliance - Knaresborough to Wetherby run out
Yorkshire Scooter Alliance - Knaresborough to Wetherby run out
Yorkshire Scooter Alliance - Knaresborough to Wetherby run out
Yorkshire Scooter Alliance - Knaresborough to Wetherby run out
Yorkshire Scooter Alliance - Knaresborough to Wetherby run out

Yorkshire Scooter Alliance - Knaresborough to Wetherby run out
Yorkshire Scooter Alliance - Knaresborough to Wetherby run out
Yorkshire Scooter Alliance - Knaresborough to Wetherby run out

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