An application for outline planning permission for 5-houses on a field off Green Lane has been declined by the Harrogate Borough Council.
The senior planning officer said the development would have a significant adverse impact on the area.
The proposal would have a significant adverse impact on landscape character and visual amenity, creating a prominent and intrusive incursion of built development into the Crumple Valley Special Landscape Area., contrary to saved policies HD2, C2 and C9 of the Harrogate District Local Plan and policies SG4 and EQ 2 of the Harrogate District Core Strategy DPD, along with supplementary planning guidance contained within the Councils Landscape Character Assessment 2004.
The land is owned by Batchelor and had previously been used as farming land. The proposal was for five large houses.
See Locals petition to stop development of Rossett Green Lane farmland for housing
Developers have an option of appealing the decision.
Green Ln, Harrogate HG2, UK

How about the beleagured North and North West side of Harrogate -also beautiful landscape areas-getting the same consideration!Killinghall has been completely swamped with new housing and now is losing its village character and merging with Harrogate.
I believe we need to preserve as many green pockets of our lovely town with buckets of character and uniqueness. I have only lived in the town 20+ years but I feel strongly about preserving the beauty of the natural landscape, for wildlife and generations of humans yet to come and I see it from the bigger picture also. The environment Secretary is reported to have said, ” 8.5 % of our land is now protected for wildlife yet only 40% is of a favorable condition… ” I see daily, buzzwords about our natural world, preserving ecosystems, farmland, protecting biodiversity and more. I read daily about the health benefits of growing up around green space, getting outdoors in amongst nature as prescriptions for good mental health. Harrogate Council has specific targets to meet for housing, so sadly more houses will be built, we all have a role to play in education ourselves about the Local Plan, about the areas that have been designated “Special Landscape Areas” (SLA), and more, we can all object and try and influence the Planning decisions that are being made around us (in all directions in and around Harrogate). If we do nothing, do we then have a right to complain?
This planning application falls outside the site designated on the Council Local Plan, this refusal is one small drip in the ocean of engulfing developments already ongoing and passed (14 houses on field same road) (4 houses crammed into one small plot) (Jubilee Park new homes at Pannal by, then all the sites on the plan PN17 Spring farm Pannal -72 possible houses, H70 East Whitney Lane -230, H30 Former Police Yew Tree Lane 163, Cow Duke Farm, 139, Heath Lodge Care Hmm Pannal Ash, 11, Harlow Nurseries, 40, H49 Windmill Farm Riley Road 776.